Galatea Lunaire Fuil na Réaltaí
Galatea Lunaire Fuil na Réaltaí, I (a.k.a. La Lune Volee, Stolen Galatea)
The youngest of Les Triples Lunes D'Avalon and La Lune Volée, the Reàltaí known affectionately as Stolen Galatea, Galataea Lunaire is the physical manifestation of the most beloved of Avalon’s moons. Her spectral lavender light shines all year long until Alamort, when mischievous Spectra Voleuse Fuil na Réaltaí transcends her form to become an owl as big as the night sky and howls, frightening her out of sight so that the souls of Anima may reflect on their own luminescence and, ideally, transcendence. Frightened out of the sky on the eve of Cathasach in a ritual known as The Howl That Steals the Moon. This ritual is an ancient and vital part of Avalonian culture that marks the beginning of the holy period of Alamort and serves as a reminder that all the souls of Animals are lost lest they turn to the light.
Family Ties
- Spectra Voleuse Fuil na Réaltaí (Sister, elder)
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
- La Lune Volee (Common trans. "The Stolen Moon")
Ruled Locations
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