Magical Preternaturalist
The field of magical (preter)naturalism was founded by Sojourne Seiliegh in the early years of the L'ere de L'aube/Eire Na Greina era of Anima's history. Preternaturalists share a collective curiosity about the realm of Anima and its secrets both organic and and arcane. While anyone may take it upon themselves to become an amateur preternaturalist, organizations such as Memoriam Inanimatam (in fact beginning with Seiliegh's induction into the previously all-male order), Guthanna An Domhain, and The Reminiscentia historically produce the most trusted and accredited individuals in the field.
Les Triples Lunes D'Avalon, Sojourne Seiliegh Psychocandy, Rapports du Phare en Voie de Disparition, Idonia Overmeire Lemesre Sauserous
Research / Scientific
Famous in the Field
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