
Asgard is a small, planetary body that serves as home to the Asgardians, a race of beings recognized by humans on Earth as the deities of Norse mythology, such as Thor and Odin. It is not round like the Earth, does not spin on its axis, and does not revolve around a star. It is a flat, asteroid-like mass that has a top surface with a gravitational pull, similar to that of the Earth, in order to keep the citizens and their cities from floating into the void.   There are natural nexus portals that exist on Asgard, due to deposits of the wormhole-sensitive, crystal-like material used in the construction of the Bifrost Bridge. These portals are in direct contact with the roots of Yggdrasil, a tree-like cosmic grid that connects the Nine Realms. Heimdall operates and safeguards the Bifrost Bridge from Himinbjorg. The Asgardian government operates through a strict monarchy which separates the royal family from regular Asgardians.
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