
Muspelheim is known as "The Realm of Fire", stated to be the source of all heat in the Nine Realms. It is the home of Surtr the brave and his descendants, the Fire Giants, that are prophesied to burn down and destroy the God Realm of Asgard during Ragnarök. As their only purpose is to cause Ragnarök, Mimir noted that no Fire Giant will appear until it begins. Its landscape consists of fiery volcanoes spitting ash and embers that blacken the skies, spurting lavafalls that create rivers of molten rock and what appears to be Fire Troll totems buried in the earth.   In the beginning, according to one tradition, the warm air from this region melted the ice of the opposite region, Niflheim, thus giving form to Aurgelmir (Ymir), the father of the evil giants. Sparks from Muspelheim became the Sun, Moon, and stars. At the doom of the gods (Ragnarök), the sons of Muspelheim, led by Surt, will destroy the world by fire.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of Fire
Dimensional plane
Location under


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