
​The Bloodqueen is as much an ancient primordial parasite as she is a Demon Prince(ess). While she pays homage to and obeys Baatu, her origins are as unknown as is her power. She is known as the god-eater, a devourer of worlds, an annihilator. All the gods fear her - her existence is often purported as the true balance. Should anyone, any deity, grow beyond their bounds she will interfere and end their existence.​

It is claimed that she is the only direct malign manifestation of the Enigma Force. Her followers, the Aboleth, purportedly have the ability to wield psionics, arcane magic, and priestly magic. This is, however, only mythology. None have survived an encounter with these legendary monstrosities.

The Bloodqueen's priests are members of the Cult of the Bloodqueen.


The Blood Queen is revered by Aboleth as their creator deity. Believed to reside on the layer of Minauros on the Outer Plane of Baator, the Blood Queen is a vast, bloated, tentacless, almost featureless aboleth. The Queen's "blood" (in actuality; a vast miasma of mucus) flows continuously around her and into the vast bog in which her corpulent and unmoving form resides.

Role-Playing Notes: The Blood Queen's driving motivation is to dominate all beings who come to her notice and to eternally extend the range of that domination. There is no especial motive for this; domination is a goal and an end in itself, not a means to achieve anything else. Fortunately, the Blood Queen is a lethargic Power, for all the intensity of her desire. She is more likely to be torpid and sunk in her own fantasies of domination than actually doing anything to make them reality. It is said that her rarely-laid eggs are dispatched to the Prime Material Plane and hatched by parental Aboleth to become the greatest of Savant Aboleth. It is extraordinarily rare for the Blood Queen to dispatch an avatar; she only does so to prevent total extinction of a major Aboleth city.

The Blood Queen's Avatar

16th-level Wizard, 16th-Ievel Priest

The Blood Queen's avatar appears as a tentacleless, gigantic aboleth with mottled gray markings. She uses spells from spheres listed for her priests (see below) and wizard spells from any schools save fire-based spells and necromantic spells of higher than 4th level.

Special Attacks & Defense: The Blood Queen can attempt to enslave creatures within 200', one per round, ten attempts per day, saving throw vs. spell at a -4 penalty to negate. Enslaved beings obey all the Queen's telepathic commands without hesitation. She can create symbols of hopelessness and domination twice per day each. Once per turn, she can spit a huge blob of mucus to a range of 100 feet. This blob covers an area of 10 feet square. Targets in the area are allowed a saving throw vs. rod/wand/staff at a -4 penalty to negate the effect of the blob, which otherwise acts as a charge from a Wand of Viscid Globs. Once per day, she can summon d3 Savant Aboleth and d4+4 ordinary Aboleth. The Blood Queen is unaffected by illusions, Elemental Water spells or effects, or any spells which would confer mental domination over her (charm, domination, etc.) Due to the Queen's thick, rubbery skin, she is completely immune to all blunt weapons. Edged weapons of below +2 enchantment have no effect on the Blood Queen, and edged weapons with an enchantment of +3 or above cause but half damage.

​Dragons: No dragon will ally itself with the Bloodqueen.​  

Bloodqueen Avatar

Alignment: LE
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Intelligence: Supra-genius (19-20)
Diet: Omnivore
# Appearing:
XP Value:
Mvmt: 3, Sw 24
Size: G (40')
Morale: Unreliable (2-4)
Spoken Languages and Dialects

Hit Dice


Base THAC0:



Armor Class


Magic Resistance: 25%

Armor Notes:

Number of Attacks

Attack Forms

Martial Art Style(s):


Spells and Psionics:

Disciplines: | mTHACO | mAC

Campaign Notes:


NPCs, followers, pets, mounts, etc.

Divine Classification


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