
lxzan are a freshwater offshoot of the Ixitxachitl race. They are intelligent, evil creatures who resemble manta rays with barbed tails. They are variable in coloration, with most having gray underbellies and mottled, brown-gray upper surfaces. They are semi-amphibious and can survive out of water for one full turn before needing to return to it to breathe. If forced to remain out of water after one tum, they begin to suffocate (see the "holding your breath" rules; treat Ixzan Constitution scores as 8+d6). On land, they move in an awkward undulating manner, but because their skins are thick and rubbery they can traverse even relatively rocky terrain without undue discomfort, though they cannot negotiate walls, boulders, and like obstacles.

Ixzan are vicious, brutal creatures with better organization than their alignment might suggest. They worship the evil Power Ilxendren and enjoy stalking, sacrificing, and eating all manner of underdark races. They are especially fond of Svirfneblin flesh, though by no means adverse to giving surface gnome a try. Their lifespan is variable, with high mortality among the young: those who survive to adulthood generally live from 40 to 70 years. Mutant types live shorter lifespans, spellcasting types longer ones. Vampiric Ixzan are effectively Immortal. Ixzan communicate in water by a form of sonar but cannot converse out of water since they cannot vocalize. They have good Infravision (90' range).

Ixzan communities are more isolated than those of their seawater cousins and, as a result, they are more variable in nature, with a higher proportion of exceptional or unusual types.

XP Note: For purposes of determining XP rewards, count priests and wizards as one XP category higher than their HD alone would indicate if of 1st to 4th level, two XP categories higher if of 5th to 8th level, and three XP categories higher if of 9th or higher level. Vampiric types are always treated as three XP categories higher than their HD totals. Mutant lxzan count as one XP category higher for each special attack they possess (poisonous tail, corrosive slime, automatic damage, etc.). All these bonuses are cumulative. If the category goes off the scale given above (for example, a 6+6 HD Ixzan with the abilities of a 7th-level wizard), consult the XP reward table in the DMG.


The normal Ixzan attack mode is its bite; those with other attacks will certainly use them, as lxzan spellcasters are wily and use their spells to best effect. lxzan use ambush tactics much as do their Ixitxachitl cousins, except that they are capable of using them more effectively due to their superior spell use (especially Fly and Invisibility). Those able to cast Levitate are fond of pressing themselves against ceilings in the manner of a Lurker, thus ambushing prey from an unexpected direction.

lxzan make saving throws against all Illusion/Phantasm spells and all Elemental Water spells with a +4 bonus. They are permitted saving throws (with no bonuses) against spells of these schools even when no saving throw would normally be allowed. lxzan suffer only half damage from blunt weapons below +3 enchantment, due to the hard, rubbery nature of their skins. Note that Ixzan spellcasters are not inconvenienced by a Silence 15' Radius spell since they do not vocalize during their spellcasting.

              ; the OM should use following stab for normal Ixzan: Nomlallxzan: AC 4; MV 3, swim 12; HO 1+1 to 6+6; THACO 19 (HD 1+1 and 2+2)' 17 (HO 3+3), 15 (HO 4+4 and 5+5), or 13 (HO 6+6)i NAT 1; Dmg 2d4 for HO 1+1, 2+2, and 3+3 (bite) or 3d-l for HO 4+-1, 5+5, and 6+6 (bite 50 +4 saving throw bonus .lgainst illusions and Elemental Water, half-damag ... from blunt weapons of below +3 enchantment; SW begin to suffocate if remain oul of water for more than I full turn; SZ M (5' wingspan) for Ixzan of 1+1 ,2+2, or 3+3 HD, and L(7' to 10' wingspan) for those of 4+4, 5+5, or 6+6 HO; ML champion (16 Int high to genius (13-18 ALeE; XP 65 (1+[ HD), 120 (2+2 HO), 175 (3+3 HO), 270 (4+4 HD), 420 (5+5 HD), or 650 (6+6 HO).  
Special Advantages
Special Disadvantages

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Habitat/Society: lxzan communities, encountered only in sizeable Underdark lakes, are some 20 to 100 strong. Both magic and charmed slaves are used to construct the peculiar pyramidal structures the lxzan favor (these have significance for their reverence of their patron Power). Lakes may even be deepened or extended, and underground passageways feeding water into them widened and their courses changed to bring extra water to the lakes.

Ixzan communities tend not to be dominated by a single exceptional leader-type but by an oligarchy of the most powerful of their priests and wizards. ​Vampiric Ixitxachitl almost always rise to important positions within such ruling elites, due both to their power and their innate longevity, unless killed off by vampiric rivals who want to sequester power for themselves.

Ecology: lxzan have no natural predators. On the other hand, they may have many enemies, although there is no particular race for which they have especial animosity, and rivalries vary from place to place. In one underdark domain, lxzan might get on well with Morwen, whereas in another hundreds of miles away they might be deadly enemies. Ixzan have natural affinities with Aboleth and Kuo-toa. Aboleth are very much the dominant party in any Aboleth/Ixzan alliance, while lxzan dominate Kuo-toa in turn (regarding them as essentially rather stupid - strong, excellent guards, but stupid nonetheless). Ixzan will often be found living with Kuo-toa, as their respective Powers (Blipdoolpoolp and Ilxendren) are known to be on good terms with each other. In such communities, Ixzan and Kuo-toa dwell in separate areas, with the lxzan guarding the entrances to their central pyramid (if they have one) zealously. Ixzan Wizards use their spell powers to assist Kuo-toa in battle, while allowing the gogglers do the meleeing and take most of the risks.

Kuo-toa sometimes use Ixzan in a ritual designed to weed out the weaker of their young. Young Kuo-toa who have reached semi-maturity may be flung en masse into a great pool filled with Ixzan and forced to negotiate their way through an underwater maze while the Ixzan gorge themselves on the flesh of those who are not fast, strong, or ruthless enough. Since the Kuo-toa spawn vast numbers of young, this ritualized weeding-out is regarded wholly dispassionately by them. Young who have not survived this ritual are not perceived as Kuo-toa by their own kin; only afterwards are they regarded as individuals and adults.

lxzan are likewise careless of their young. Ixzan are born neutral, and only acquire their CE alignment as the result of a grueling process designed to make them as strong and ruthless as possible; those who fail to survive are neither mourned nor missed. The only exceptions are the fledgling wizards; other spellcasting Ixzan can intuitively sense when a young Ixzan has this ability and protect it fiercely, inculcating their own morality into it through a regimen designed to instill a sense of absolute self-worth along with contempt for "lesser" beings.


Alignment: CE
Organization: Tribe
Activity Cycle: Any
Intelligence: Genius (17-18)
Treasure: P, R, S (in lair only)
Diet: Omnivore
# Appearing:
XP Value: 1+1 HD (65), 2+2 HD (120), 3+3 HD (175), 4+4 HD (270), 5+5 HD (420), 6+6 HD (650)
Mvmt: 3, Sw 12
Size: 1+1 to 3+3 HD (M, 5' wingspan), 4+4 to 6+6 HD (L, 7-10' wingspan)
Morale: Champion (15-16)
Spoken Languages and Dialects

Hit Dice

1+1 to 6+6

Base THAC0:

1+1 to 2+2 HD (19), 3+3 HD (17), 4+4 to 5+5 HD (15), 6+6 HD (13)


Armor Class


Magic Resistance: Nil

Armor Notes:

Number of Attacks

Attack Forms

Martial Art Style(s):
Bite (1+1+)19/172d4 (+d8)6
Bite (4+4+)15/133d4 (+d106

Spells and Psionics:

Disciplines: | mTHACO | mAC

Campaign Notes:


NPCs, followers, pets, mounts, etc.

Also Known As
Government Type
Known Strongholds
Known Clans
Known Alliances
Trade Expertise
Ability Score Adjustments
Languages Spoken
Racial Enmities
Life Expectancy


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