
Patron deity of the Ixzan  

Ilxendren is the patron Power of the Ixzan, freshwater Deep relatives of the Ixitxachitl. The deity is depicted as a Vampiric manta-like ray of huge size, with flaming red eyes and a long, blue-tipped tail which is covered in barbs, swimming in a vast fetid lake on a nameless plane. The Ixzan revere Ilxendren as their creator, but it is uncertain whether Ixitxachitl do.

Role-Playing Noles: Ilxendren is supremely arrogant and contemptuous of other races and species, save for Aboleth, which it both admires and fears. It demands of its created race that they inflict terror and fear on all marine creatures in their habitat (save for Aboleth). Ilxendren actively encourags; arrogance, capriciousness, and wanton cruelty. The Power will sometimes dispatch an avatar to help a strong group of Priest and Vampiric or Ixzan Mutant inflict mayhem on a newly-discovered, sizeable group of some other species. More rarely, it will apear and wreak havoc on an Ixzan community, possibly to punish them for not being aggressive enough, possibly for the sheer headstrong capriciousness and cruelty of the act.

Ilxendren's Avatar

13th level Fighter, 14th level Wizard, 12th level Priest

Ilxendren's avatar appears as described above. It uses spells from spheres listed for its priests and from the wizard schools of Abjuration, Alteration, Invocation/Evocation, and Necromancy.


Special Attacks & Defense: Ilxendren's bite causes the victim to lose 2d4 pts. from an attribute (no save). Its poisoned tail spines inflict 2d8 points of damage in addition to impact damage unless the target makes a successful saving throw vs. poison. The avatar gains a +4 bonus to saving throws against illusion/phantasm spells and spells from the schools of Elemental Water and Elemental Earth but suffers a -2 penalty to saves against Elemental Fire spells. Once per day, the avatar can use each of the following spell-like powers, once per round, at 20th level of magic use: Cone of Cold, Enervation, Ice Storm, and Wall of Ice. Once per day it can summon a 16 HD Water Elemental with maximum hit points to serve it for 6 turns. The avatar is immune to nonmagical weapons and takes only half damage from magical blunt weapons.

Ilxendren Avatar

Alignment: CE
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Intelligence: Supra-genius (19-20)
Diet: Omnivore
# Appearing:
XP Value:
Mvmt: 3, Sw 24
Size: H (15' wingspan)
Morale: Fearless (19-20)
Spoken Languages and Dialects

Hit Dice


Base THAC0:



Armor Class


Magic Resistance: 25%

Armor Notes:

Number of Attacks

Attack Forms

Martial Art Style(s):

Spells and Psionics:

Disciplines: | mTHACO | mAC

Campaign Notes:


NPCs, followers, pets, mounts, etc.



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