Pyramid of the Ixzan

This floating island is an entirely artificial construction. The Ixzan occupants are allies of the Aboleth, who provided them with the slaves to build this and then enchanted it. If the PCs assail this fortress, the Aboleth take notice. A first attack on the pyramid brings no response, but after a second attack all Ixzan are evacuated to Shaboath and the Aboleth will suspect that an organized campaign is underway against them. How they respond to this is detailed in the "Active Response" section of the chapter "Great Shaboath." Thus, the PCs would do well to wipe the Ixzan out as swiftly as possible to prevent their being available as reinforcements for Shaboath; the characters' best strategy is to leave this island alone until their last foray prior to attacking Shaboath itself.

Map 29 on Mapsheet 5 shows this pyramid complex. Map 29s provides a cross-sectional view, while Maps 29b through 29e show individual layers of the pyramid. To conserve space, full stats are only given for special Ixzan.

Sunken Pyramid Levels

The internal chambers of the pyramid are not only underwater but pitch dark! Water flow in the 40-footlong side-channels is brisk, as water is drawn toward the central water spout. By contrast, water circulation in the interior chambers is sluggish. The turbulence in the passages means that melee and missile attacks have -1 attack and damage penalties in addition to those normal for undenwater combat for PCs (the Ixzan, naturally, are used to this effect and suffer no penalties). It's impossible to move down the waterspout from one pyramid level to one below, given the force of the flow. Moving upwards is possible, but a Strength check is required. If successful, the PC can go up with the current and move into a side-channel as he or she wishes. If the check fails, roll d6. On a roll of 1 or 2 the PC overshoots by one level, moving up two pyramid levels. Otherwise the PC gets caught in the current and shot out of the top of the pyramid at area 1, being flung 50' into the air and then falling onto the surface level of the pyramid (treat as a 50-foot-fall for damage purposes; in addition to 5d6 points of damage, the victim will also be stunned for d4 rounds).

Tactics and Strategy

The location descriptions above show where Ixzan are initially. Obviously, the community is active; Ixzan swim in and out of their pyramid, foraging for food and gliding around just under the surface of the Sunless Sea. At any given time, there is a 25% likelihood for each Ixzan (save for the tyrant) that is d100 rounds traveling time away from the pyramid when PCs attack first. However, no more than one spellcaster from each group will ever be absent, nor will both mutants be absent at the same time. The young are always in the pyramid.

During a PC attack. the DM can wing it depending on circumstances. For example, if there is an Ixzan in the water close by the pyramid when PCs attack the surface level, it will swim inside at once and alert the priests and wizards. The spellcasters prepare defensive spells, with a wizard able to Fly casting that spell. An the Ixzan are practiced in the use of the waterspout and will use it to assail the PCs from above; they will also swim out to assail them from the "shoreline" of the pyramid with spell attacks, attacks from the statue in area 3, and so on. The tyrant will not leave its chamber during a first attack.

It is likely that the PCs won't wipe out the whole group in one attack. Prior to a second foray, the Ixzan will reorganize, withdrawing into their subaquatic levels and leaving only a couple of low-level spies on the surface. There will certainly be Ixzan spies dotted around the "shoreline," if the PCs haven't decimated them to the extent that they just don't have enough bodies left to do this. The tyrant will summon one of the mutants into its chamber as a bodyguard; if neither mutant survives, it summons the strongest surviving wizard instead. Ixzan will continuously move through their waterspout, gliding down in the air from the point where it emerges from area 1 back into the waters and through a side-channel, to maintain a constant patrol and surveillance.

After a second attack, any surviving Ixzan here will evacuate to Shaboath, provided that at least one spellcaster type survives to lead them. Otherwise, they disperse into the Sunless Sea. If any do reach the Aboleth city, then the PCs have triggered Aboleth reactions, as explained in the "Active Response" section of the chapter "Great Shaboath."



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