The Eelhold

The small lake known as the Eelhold has been created artificially by a log dam across the south-flowing Oldscutt River, causing water to gradually fill the shallow valley in which the lake now lies. The dam was built nearly 50 years past by the Carman Family to regulate river flow and prevent flooding further south, where the Oldscutt meets the Churnett. The waters of the northern Oldscutt can be rapid in spring, and the dam broke on one famous occasion 17 years ago. However, the Eelhold has two unusual inhabitants who have managed to prevent any recurrence of this disaster. A Water Elemental is tied to the lake by a Sympathy, and a female nixie named Shenjurath with some power of command over the elemental lives in the lake itself.

Shiraz is a frequent visitor to this lonely but lovely spot (leading to rumors that there is a ranger in those parts who is "pixie-led"). There are many wild rumors about the nixie, which Shiraz does not discourage since they keep folk away from the lake. She is not, in fact, a slave of the nixie, and though they rarely see each other they are on friendly terms. The nixie knows that Shiraz keeps over-curious people away from the lake and is grateful.

Local people benefit from this by more than just flood control. Once a year the nixie allows them to come to the lake to harvest the great eels which grow fat in the placid lake waters; there are few predators such as pike to keep their numbers down. For a period of five days they set out with flat-bottomed boats and great nets to dredge the lake bed around the shoreline, and by night they use lanterns to attract the eels to the surface from the central depths of the lake. The haul of fat eels is enormous, and the surplus is usually cooked, cut into finger-length chunks, and pickled with vinegar and spices before being bottled and kept for the winter. Eels may also be wood-smoked or preserved in a herb jelly. In any form, eels are an acquired taste, to put it mildly.


The waters of Eelhold become turbulent and clouded, and water spouts are seen in the center of the lake. Shenjurath the nixie tells Shiraz that her control over the Water Elemental is weakening; the sympathy spell, she fears, must be wearing off. Shiraz is greatly worried, for if the elemental becomes out of control the dam may be at risk. She communicates her concerns to Garyld, who tells the PCs.

The solution to this problem lies in the PC's discovery of a Ring of Water Elemental Command while investigating the mystery of the New Mire (see "Lured Into Darkness"). If they killed all the goblins in that adventure, then the ring is theirs, to do with as they please. Less bloodthirsty PCs can arrange for the goblins to move from the The Patchwork Hills to the caves in the Blanrydes overlooking the Eelhold. From time to time the ranger could then borrow the shaman's ring and use it to strengthen control over the water elemental when necessary. The ring's waterlogging effect (again, see "Lured Into Darkness" ) will have little effect here, merely raising the water level of the Eelhold an inch or so. If the PCs can bring this off, everyone lives happily ever after. The goblins settle down to a steady diet of eel in the Blanrydes, keeping well away from farmsteads.


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