True Flame
The priests of the True Flame are the more logical counterparts of the sect of The Guardians. These priests are the impassioned followers who wish to bring the illumination of the word of Palanos to all lands and people. Fundamentally, they agree with most other priesthoods, however, it is this sect that evangelizes the faith to the masses - they are the carriers of the word. Logistically, these priests often seek leadership positions (town, military, etc.) and, in fulfilling these positions, they carry the word of the spirit to those in their charge.
These priests believe in purity in all deeds and refrain from participating in activities that would diminish the fervor they have for their faith. When not leading themselves, these priests seek leaders that will be devoted to the people and the spirit.
These priests are gifted with foresight and visions of how the world should be and are forthright in carrying out actions associated with their vision. While akin to The Guardians, these priests are fully transparent and more than happy to discuss their ways, means, and motives. They never involve themselves in subterfuge or deceptive plans preferring direct confrontation and resolution.
Tenets of Faith
Work with others to achieve your goals. Community and order are always stronger than the disjointed efforts of lone individuals.
Tame the wilderness to make it fit for habitation, and defend the light of civilization against the encroaching darkness
See out new ideas, new inventions, new lands to inhabit, new wilderness to conquer. Build machines, build cities, build empires.
Vigilance: against dark, evil forces such as undead.
Lay On Hands (at 3rd level)
Charm/Fascination (at 5th level)
Prophecy (at 9th level)