
​In Alcirya, there is only one God who governs the departing of souls, Orcus, Prince of Death. Orcus’ macabe followers are ubiquitous and they run the gamut in personality types from darkly clad, misguided youth to power lusting hermits bent upon wield the ultimate power from themselves. Almost all centers of society have a house of worship of Baatu – it is considered a sort of “necessary evil” in the world - and these mortuaries center their focus on Orcus, Baatu's Lord of Hell. Orcus, and his followers, have a unique position – they govern the path one’s soul takes in the afterlife, that is to say, they decide with whom one will reside if, indeed, they are allowed to pass from this world. For most, this is a simple determination; death is the next step from life and Orcus’ caretakers ensure that the passage will be swift and straightforward. Of course, governing one’s post life path is both a great honor and a great power. Need it be said what happens when such power corrupts?​

Balera’s followers begrudgingly adhere to the ancient rites of death and turn over mortal remains to followers of Baatu. What the Church of Palanos has long charged of Baatu’s priests is the mishandling of those within their power using their passing to further their own ends on the mortal plane. It is in the rarest of circumstances that a soul is bound to this world in a state of undeath and, if it is done, one’s spirit must be attached to a holy place (usually a Temple of Baatu) where they can serve out their years. The Church asserts that Priests of Baatu have broken the code of honorable death and have been siphoning souls to serve their god on the mortal plain in an attempt to, one day, oust Palanos and establish Alcirya as a new eternal kingdom for the followers of Baatu. Additionally, it has long been the fear of the Church of Palanos that Priests of Baatu have not played a passive neutral role, as they should, in the politics of life and death and have set forth plans and devised schemes that could, and have, brought forth mass carnage.

Still, despite the controversy, it is the practice of the land to bring the fallen to a temple of Baatu to reach the place of their ultimate rest.​

Tenets of Faith
​Hold no pity for those who suffer and die, for death is the natural end of life.​
​Bring down the proud who try to cast off the chains of fate. Punish hubris where you find it.​
Duties and Rites of the Priest
Funeral (Rite)
Also Known As
​“Watchwardens of the Darkflame” or “Dogs of the Darkflame” (pejorative)​
Worshiped God
Known Titan(s)
Orcus, Nhaggol the Reaper​
Priesthood of Death ​
Typical Alignments
Lawful Evil. For most, Baatu is conceived of as Neutral in his efforts to herd the dead and his followers will sometimes. His priests may be of any alignment: Some will be evil-doers who serve him by sending souls to him as fast as possible, while others could be good priests guiding their followers to their inevitable destiny. The flock can be of any alignment, but the evil ones will specifically be followers of evil priests. ​
Holy Symbol
​a red sash is worn in a variety of ways.​
Affiliate Order(s)
Opposition Order(s)
Typical Racial Followers
Dedicated Servants
  If you are a Specialty Priest (Theologian):  
Initial Funds
​3d6 x 10 gp (once the priest has bought their equipment, they must return all the remaining funds to their organization except for d3 gp)​
Minimum Ability Scores
Wisdom 9. Wisdom 16 means +10% experience.​
Race(s) Allowed
Followers and Strongholds
​The followers are received at 8th level, and consist of three third-level priests and six first-level priests of the same order, plus special agents whose class is determined by the specific aspect of the god; these agents consist of one fifth-level character, two third-level characters, and four first-level characters. These agents will typically be thieves who act as assassins and/or priests from other evily aligned faiths (Disease/Evil). The priest may take the following on adventures: Two priests and three agents of his choice. The priesthood will pay for half of the cost of stronghold construction at 8th level.​
​Priests of the God of Death must remain celibate. They need not remain chaste.​
Bonus Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Non-Weapon Proficiencies Recommended
Weapon Proficiencies Required
Weapons Permitted
​Axe (usually styled as a headman's axe), dagger/dirk, knife, lasso (often tied in the fashion of a noose), scythe, sickle, stiletto, sword/khopesh, sword/short​
Armor Permitted
None; no shields​
    Option: Evil priests can substitute major access to Healing for major access to Protection, but can only use the reversed versions of the Healing spells. ​  
Granted Powers
Inspire Fear

Command Undead. ​The priest of Baatu does not have to be evil in order to use this power. This is a rare exception to the rule that only evil priests can command undead. ​


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