Atticus Galanis


Battleball Coach - fighter, guy who really cares for his students, can seem coddeling, teaches Spears and 10 ft Melee, human, Atticus Galanis, he has pale blue eyes.       He had six children, but all died before adulthood. After the last one passed his wife took her own life. He fell into gambling, but learned the game of Battleball extremally well, one day he is grabbed by Zortgilea and he gets sober, he ends up being recruited to College of Adventurers at Minos Point soon after.  


Atticus Galanis is a human fighter and the Battleball Coach at the College for Adventurers at Minos Point . Known for his protective nature, he cares deeply for his students, often appearing coddling but always with their best interests at heart. Atticus teaches spears and 10 ft melee, emphasizing skill, strategy, and the importance of teamwork on the Battleball field.
Atticus has pale blue eyes and a tragic past. He fathered six children, all of whom died before reaching adulthood. The death of his last child led his wife to take her own life, plunging Atticus into a deep despair and a gambling addiction. His turning point came when the god Zortgilea  intervened, pulling him from the darkness and setting him on a path to sobriety.
Battleball became not just a sport, but a lifeline, and his expertise in the game grew.
  He was eventually recruited by the College of Adventurers at Minos Point, where he uses his knowledge of Battleball and combat to teach students. Outside the classroom, his experiences of loss and redemption make him a deeply empathetic mentor, dedicated to helping his students succeed both on the field and in life.


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