

The God of the Forge, Luck, and of Creation.   A member of the Pantheon of Minos .   Signed the Treaty of the New Gods .   Father of Baz Tertu with Triti .  

Known History

  Ascended during Legends of Aldatu and helped capture Besar during the Second Battle of Burdina .
Appeared in Legacy of Eltoris as a lover of Triti and father of Baz Tertu . He was not an active part of Baz Tertu 's life. He was the patron of Gaius Zanneth and actively manipulated his destory to ensure the outcome he wanted, though it was never exactly the way he wanted.
Appeared many times in CAMP to help turn the odds in favor of the students of College for Adventurers at Minos Point .        


  The God seeks to give all great magical weapons, but the gods hate that, and restrict him in this aim. Instead he loves to insert himself into the affairs of mortals, especially when it will upset other gods.    


  Forge is close friends with Trickery, Justice, War, and Sacrifice. He often works with many other gods to create magical weapons,. He often accepts pacts with heroes.  


  Many working class worship him everyday. When praying that something was correctly built they pray that the god is better. Gamblers pray for luck. Boldness inspires luck. Taking understood risks.  


  The Fish of the Forge - the story of his talking pet fish having a debate about equality === (+1 WIS)     The Forge of Zortgelia - the story of his magical forge === (Advantage of Tool Checks)   The Crafted Wizard - the story of how he built a robot and made it a wizard === (+1 Arcana)   The Rebuilding of Burdina - Zortgelia and friends defeat an evil witch and save the city, he stays to rebuild it. === (Full Healing after short rest)   The Inventions of Yesterday and Tomorrow - Zortgelia once found a book with all of his inventions, even those he did not yet make, a very lucky find, but he never reads it. As it underminds his own creation. === (+1 INT)        

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