

  God of Divination   Child of Iris and Sinclair   


Bihar, the child of Iris, goddess of Tempest and Family, and Sinclair, god of Time and Paradox, is the god of divination magic. Bihar’s divine essence is a harmonious blend of his parents’ domains, combining the protective and nurturing qualities of family with the unpredictability of storms and the fluidity of time. Known for his calm yet commanding presence, Bihar wields the power to see beyond the present, guiding mortals with foresight and intuition.
As the god of divination magic, Bihar provides insight into the future, interpreting omens and visions to help individuals navigate life’s uncertainties. His followers often include oracles, seers, and those seeking clarity in times of confusion. Bihar is worshipped for his wisdom, as he helps guide decisions, protect loved ones, and ensure balance in a world shaped by both the chaos of storms and the shifting nature of time. His temples are places of meditation and quiet reflection, where worshippers seek answers through visions, dreams, and ritualistic practices tied to both the tempest and the paradox of time.      

Piety Myths 

  The Storm That Comes - Bihar has seen the world in a storm (Once Per day you may add 2 dice of thunder or lightning to a weapon attack)   A story in Leaves - Bihar can read tea leaves to see the future (Once Per day you can preform a rutual to cast Divination)   Paradox of Prophecy - Bihar knows what comes next, but by speaking it, he changes it. (You may not be surprised and get advanage on incitive rolls)   Desiring the Divine - Many have come to Bihar looking for answers, no one gets the one they are looking for. ((Once per day you can add +5 to a relgion roll)   Passion and Paradox - Bihar found love, but knew it would not last, and he sabataged it instead. ((Roll all CHA checks of all kinds with Emphasis))


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