

  The Tempest Goddess of Minos is a powerful Goddess,   A new god of the Pantheon of Minos .   Signer of the Treaty of the New Gods    Ascended during Myths of Aldatu .   Helped capture Besar during the Second Battle of Burdina .   Sided against Deidolo during the Heist of Hell .   Seized power during the Divine Coup and became Queen of the Gods .      

History Notes

    Ascended during Myths of Aldatu , signed the Treaty of the New Gods . Captured Besar during the Second Battle of Burdina .
Appears many times after.
Helps create the Paradox of Baz .
Manipulates everyone during CAMP Year Two , and turns the Cult of the Three Sects of Iris into the Cult of the Fourth Sect and becomes Queen of the Gods .  

Divine Goals

  Iris wishes to protect the innocent, particularly women, and with rightful anger bring storms to those who are dangerous. She is quick to anger and to sadden, and often violent in either state. She will often work with other gods, but does not like being told what to do. She is known to keep secrets.  


  She often teams with Balance or Thieves, being close friends with both of them. She is also known to step in and help Underdogs if her entrance would be dramatic enough. Hates Besar She is married to Sinclair having had a mortal relationship with Sinclair Westwood She keeps Karaigída as a sacred location, blind to Sinclair .   Cult of the Three Sects of Iris is a newer cult that hopes to see Iris become the Queen of All Gods.      


  Different ways to worship Iris is to pray for rain, or for clear weather, or for winds in one direction or another. Prayers can also be for retribution and vengeance. The act of blowing out the candles for the night is often done with a prayer to Iris, to protect them from the storm of the night and the darkness of the unknown. Standing your ground against a friend or foe, making a plea for equality. Prayers given by traders as a plea for calm waters    

Piety Myths

  Exile of Iris - the story of her leaving home, finding her own power, and returning home to prove her family right ===(+1 WIS)   Return of the Tempest - the story of how the god of death tried to kill her, but she sent him to hell instead. ===(One Luck die per day)   Word of the Tempest - the story of the Cult of the Black Diamond and how she lead them to Fey. === (+1 CHA)   Circle of the Tempest - the story of how she pulled together a group of various heroes and lead them to godhood. === (You can give two luck dies per day to your party mates)     The Summer Rain - a story of how the happiest moment of her life lead to rain all over the world while the sun was bright, a story of family and of spawn === (If a close ally falls, you can give them as many of your HP as you wish)   The Dark Cloud - Ominous and heavy, Iris has needed to embrace the darkness, risks of it. === (Double Your damage Dice on one attack per day)   Inside the Box - Iris always knows what tools she has for a quest, and always knows when to use them. === (+1 INT, can ask the DM once per session if they have anything that can help)   Savior of the Lost Soul - Iris is known to collect those who have no others, and lead them together towards common goals. === (Once per day, if an ally falls you may roll a D20 and give them that much health)        


  Often Chaotic   Cleric, Wizard, Warlock, Bard   Christos A herengon cleric and father of Chrissy Halison .      

Known History

During her mortal life she was Irie Eltoris , and ascended after the Treaty of the New Gods .
Once ascended she helped imprison Besar Katu , now Besar the God of Death, and helped organize the structure of the divine court. She married Sinclair and had children, including Arin .
During Legacy of Eltoris she is a major character, sometimes ally, but often more of an ataganist. The story takes place at the Temple of Karaigída , and a temporal storm is wreaking havoc. Her realm is damaged during this time, and she is missing. She helped guide Triti during the early portion of her life. She is helpless when the old god Otokoa killed, and this troubled her.
During CAMP she is responsible for the Cult of the Three Sects of Iris , which later became Cult of the Fourth Sect and resulted in the Divine Coup . She then becomes the defacto Queen of Gods.
She places Mr Light as the Arch Devil of the 8th Circle once Baalzebul is killed, at the request of Cila Colkyre . This gives her massive leverage on top of ther divine power. She laters releases Besar from his divine prision to aid her in her quest for power.




Towards Sinclair



Towards Iris



Towards Tidbit




Towards Iris




Towards Iris





Towards Itzasoa



Sinclair (spouse)


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