CAMP Session 55

A part of CAMP
Within CAMP Year Two
      CAMP Session 55 (orginally 49)   Hawegwin’s Dorm: Hawegwin’s uncle arrives, described as a hot mess. Although he's a high elf, it's hard to tell due to his disheveled appearance.
Legal and Court Updates: Sufientes has a chipped horn and gives advice that lying and leaving out a few details is sometimes necessary to win a case.
Theo’s Lawyer: Donavin Eltoris is mentioned as a possible lawyer. Luna has been removed from the Senate, and Tiltom is noted as eccentric but capable.
Haegwin in the Library: Haegwin reads "The Heroes of Nearby," a story about an adventuring party that came from a non-existent city to a rocky port. They fought a dragon, who hoarded gold and magical items, and eventually created Bliznea. One hero, Ormond Basil, is central to the story. Another book presents a different perspective, revealing that the heroes killed the local people and the dragon that protected them. They sold the magic items and counterfeits, with Basil at the center of these actions, suggesting this version is likely the truth.
Court Proceedings: Tortu Verolli is introduced as the Magistrate/Senator, with Rodrigo as the judge. The prosecutor discovers that all the witnesses, including Irons, the guards, and Detective Jones, are dead, leaving only Haegwin as a living witness, raising suspicions.



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