CAMP Year Two


The second season of CAMP set at College of Adventurers at Minos Point and Bliznia

Player Characters


For NPCs featured in Camp Year One, see People of CAMP Year One.


For Locations featured in Camp Year One, see Locations of CAMP Year One .


For a list of Sessions featured in Camp year One, see CAMP Year One Session List.

Long Summary

Season 2 unfolds in a world steeped in political intrigue, supernatural threats, and the growing tension between various factions. The characters, having experienced significant growth and challenges in Season 1, now find themselves embroiled in even more complex and dangerous scenarios.
Key Themes:
Political Power Struggles: The season is heavily influenced by the political machinations within Bliznia , where characters like Percival Bloom Octavia Basil , and Gaius Basil rise to power through devilish pacts, causing widespread chaos.
Supernatural Elements: The influence of devils, particularly Baalzebul , and the involvement of various divine and infernal entities play a significant role in shaping the events. Characters are often caught between mortal and supernatural forces, each vying for control.
Loyalty and Betrayal: Trust is a recurring issue, as characters must navigate shifting alliances, betrayals, and the murky motivations of those around them. The formation and reformation of the Cobras, a central gang, highlight the struggles between loyalty and ambition.
Heists and Strategic Missions: A significant portion of the season revolves around the planning and execution of a heist on Basil's mansion. The characters must gather resources, recruit allies, and confront the deadly consequences of their actions.
War and Conflict: Bliznea becomes a battleground during the Bliznian Civil War , with factions like the East Side Cobras , Reptilians , clashing. The city descends into chaos as characters strive to survive and maintain some semblance of order.
Character Arcs:
Theo Atzetari : Theo emerges as a central figure, taking on leadership within the Cobras and grappling with his connections to Beelzebul. His journey involves reconciling with past mistakes, forming alliances, and ultimately facing the harsh realities of power and responsibility.
Cila Colkyre : Cila's story is marked by her entanglement with devilish pacts and her struggle to navigate the dangers that come with it. She is forced to make difficult choices, often finding herself at odds with those around her as she tries to protect her friends and herself.
Hyria Valeriana : Hyria's journey is one of self-discovery and redemption. She takes on various jobs, including running a petting zoo, and becomes deeply involved in the rescue and care of animals. Her rage is tested as she learns more about the true nature of her enemies.
Folantis Pluma : Folantis finds himself caught between his past and present, dealing with family ties and the complexities of his relationships with others. He becomes a crucial player in the heist and the battles that follow, using his skills to support the group.
Heagwin Helstain : Haegwin's connection to nature and his pursuit of knowledge play a significant role in the season. He helps the group through his understanding of rituals and the natural world, even as he faces personal challenges and the dark realities of their world.
Murium : Muruim's arc is one of survival and resilience. He faces physical and emotional challenges, including losing an arm in a brutal confrontation. His story is intertwined with the group's efforts to maintain their strength and unity.
Major Events:
Heist on Basil's Mansion: The characters plan and execute a daring heist to steal a key and valuable artifacts from Basil's mansion. The heist is marked by clever tactics, unexpected challenges, and the looming threat of discovery.
Confrontation with Baalzebul : The season culminates in a tense showdown in the 8th Circle of Hell, where the characters confront Beelzebul and the treacherous Alvis Sifuentes . The outcome of this battle sets the stage for future conflicts and reveals the depth of the characters' entanglements with infernal powers.
War in Bliznea: The city of Bliznea becomes a warzone, with various factions fighting for control. The characters must navigate this dangerous landscape, balancing their personal goals with the need to protect their city and loved ones.
The Rise and Fall of Percival Bloom : Percy, a central antagonist, rises to power through dark means but ultimately meets a gruesome end, consumed by furrets in a dramatic and symbolic act of retribution.
Season Conclusion:
Season 2 ends with the characters battered but not broken. They have survived intense battles, both physical and moral, but the challenges ahead are clear. The final scenes set the stage for even greater conflicts and the potential for redemption or further descent into darkness in future seasons.


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