CAMP Session 56

A part of CAMP
Within CAMP Year Two
  CAMP Year One             CAMP Session 56 (orginal 51)   Cila's Trial: Cila takes a break, feeling uncomfortable and burdened by the unsolved murders. She is determined that not everyone should get off free and plans to tell the truth when she takes the stand. During the trial, Haeg struggles to remember much and mentions healing people. Sufientes shifts his strategy to discredit Haeg, arguing that without a witness, there’s no crime. Cila eventually takes the stand and does her "Cila thing."
Theo's Trial: Donavan Eltoris is Theo’s lawyer. In a consultation, they meet in a pitch-black room with Oliver and Rodrigo (a former senator who worked with Basil and was elected to his position by a Basil-headed committee). Theo is advised to keep an eye on Cila and the group.
Verdicts: All defendants are found not guilty.
After the Trials: Haeg: After the trial, Haeg sits on a bench and is approached by Beezles, who offers him a deal. Haeg says he’ll think about it, but Beezles dismisses this and leaves. Haeg returns to his dorms, hears gossip about his honesty during the trial, and has some light-hearted moments with his roommate before contemplating quietly.
Theo: Upon returning home, Theo notices that his door has been tampered with and feels watched. He chases down his watcher with the help of Nakobe and finds a Dragonborn who reveals that a school board member with senate ties was having Theo watched to ensure he wouldn’t cause trouble. Theo lets him go, and Nakobe gets a fish as a reward.
Cila: After the trial, Cila goes to see Olivia, who is researching senate proceedings and looking to help Oliver find a new constable. Cila helps her find the necessary information and suggests that Olivia herself should take on the role of constable.
Next Day: In Tactics Class, Theo follows the district attorney and overhears a meeting involving Percy, Octavia, Sufientes, and others. A voice Theo doesn’t recognize mentions overwhelming someone with new cases and arresting the new constable. The district attorney expresses doubts about the agreement, followed by the sound of him being executed as the scene ends.



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