CAMP Session 74

A part of CAMP
Within CAMP Year Two
    CAMP Session 74
Exploration and Encounter: The group hears a song at the end of the hall, and after a Religion check, they recognize it as the Durge of the Embrace. This song is associated with followers of Besar, particularly those who were spread across the astral realm. The song was historically played as these followers committed suicide to avoid being separated. Theo kicks down the door, revealing a room filled with Cobras: Cobras they recognize: Crab Apple, Mavrick, Nomad. Cobras they don’t recognize: Wolfman, Apricot, Jennetty, Boysin. They also encounter Hurt. Battle with Hurt: A battle ensues. During the fight, the group discovers that Hurt didn’t attack the Petting Zoo—he’s actually a vegan. This revelation makes Hyria question if her rage is misplaced. Deidolo speaks, implying that the actions taken are part of their routine: "It’s just what we do…." Hurt is revived after the battle but remains defiant, saying, "Fucking pussies. You think I’ll tell you now?" indicating he won’t cooperate with the group. The episode is filled with tension as the group encounters familiar and unfamiliar Cobras, leading to a battle with Hurt and the realization that they may have been misdirected in their anger. Hurt’s defiance leaves the group with more questions than answers.


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