CAMP Strategy Field Team


CAMP Strategy Field Team    

During CAMP season One

  Captain Xyrna Balla  "Queen" Running for Class President
Horfan Twistbelt - another student, on the strategy field, an gnomish surpremist, he actively disliked Xyrna     Attia Pompay  - Leonin Rouge, from a long line of pirates
Farg Longtooth  - Minotaur bard, in Saqid's band
Reggie O'Ryan  - Herengon cleric of Zortgelia
Cooper Jops  - HobGoblin Ranger
Pete Chegger  - Saytr rouge
Clarissa Claudius  - Giff monk of Dodnir
Darlene Tennet  - Owlin Bard of Lore
Rhys Bacoop  - Human Wizard
Jose Wideriver  - Wood Elf Sorcerer
Patty Seaglass  - Triton Wizard

Known History

    Many students tried out for the team in CAMP Year One but did not make the cut.   The season was canceled during CAMP Year Two after the fire in the woods.


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