Jose Wideriver


  On CAMP Strategy Field Team
  During CAMP Year One
    Captain Xyrna Balla "Queen" Running for Class President
  Horfan Twistbelt - another student, on the strategy field, an gnomish surpremist, he actively disliked Xyrna
    Attia Pompay - Leonin Rouge, from a long line of pirates
  Farg Longtooth - Minotaur bard, in Saqid's band
  Reggie O'Ryan - Herengon cleric of Zortgelia
  Cooper Jops - HobGoblin Ranger
  Pete Chegger - Saytr rouge
  Clarissa Claudius - Giff monk of Dodnir
  Darlene Tennet - Owlin Bard of Lore
  Rhys Bacoop - Human Wizard
  Jose Wideriver - Wood Elf Sorcerer
  Patty Seaglass - Triton Wizard


Known History

From deep in the woods north of Chorto he is from a long line of magic inclined wood elfs. He wishes he was a wizard. He appears in CAMP Year One as a second year student.
He helps defend College of Adventurers at Minos Point during Bliznian Civil War .


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