

  A large wild grass land littered with a handful of Centaur, and sometimes other settlements, including Orcs, Dragonborn, Kobold, and sometimes other outcasts. Generally the Centaur hold the most lands and exist as a mostly nomadic people.   The Centaurs protect a magical animal whos horn is ground for magical use.   Kobolds often are used as a network to steak the horns that the Orcs often hunt.   The Dragonborn lead settlement of Saxr is the largest city by far. It has a bank, though it stores more grain and alcohol than it does metal. Kobolds and Centuars work the land together to provide the food for the city, as well as most of the nomads. There are some humans here, and those that are tend to be those who are no longer welcome in civilized land.   A river dissects the area, a delta at the ocean gives each race a place to trade. The Dragonborn admin oversee peace here. They call the settlement Dopym.   Orc tribes kill the creature as a rite of adulthood. They use the coast as a launch point for sea raids. Kobolds build many boats and sell to the orcs.   Most Kobold tribes are secretly controlled by Dragonborn.   The most ancient Centaur Tribes are Clan Brushbraids, Clan Groveheart and Clan Zos Earthenreveler.   The most ancient Dragonborn clans are Xardorim, Durvarax and Shaxiros.   Known History   The Home of Krel and Murium .  


  Chorto is a vast grassland region home to a variety of nomadic and settled peoples, including Centaurs, Orcs, Dragonborn, Kobolds, and other outcasts. The Centaurs, known for their nomadic lifestyle, are the dominant group and protect a mystical animal whose horn holds magical properties.
In Chorto:
  Centaurs protect these magical creatures, and Orcs hunt them as part of a rite of passage into adulthood. Kobolds serve as a network that secretly steals the magical horns, often at the behest of Dragonborn, who control many Kobold tribes.
The largest settlement, Saxr  is Dragonborn-led. It has a bank that stores grain and alcohol, and the economy is driven by agriculture. Kobolds and Centaurs work together to provide food for Saxr and the surrounding nomads.
Dopym, located by the river delta, serves as a trading hub for the various races, with the Dragonborn administering peace in the region.
Ancient Centaur clans include Brushbraids, Groveheart, and Earthenreveler, while ancient Dragonborn clans include Xardorim, Durvarax, and Shaxiros.
The region is characterized by its strong nomadic culture, the reverence for the magical horned creatures, and a complex interplay between the races.


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