College of the Lord Otokoa and the Order of Her Holy Truth

Located in Grutza a very religious area. patron god is Otokoa , the god of ritual and ceremony and magic, monk college, bard college, wizard college, economy is based on getting all the colleges to work for basically free. they do not like people who are not alum. the city is controlled by a congress of deans who elected an arch dean to rule the city. they rule in tandem, technically but never in function, with the high priest of Otokoa. adventuring partys in the style of greek frats are common. the teachers and admins benefit form the students hard work. grad students struggle mightily to close the gap. sometimes very poor servants are brought in.   The Goddess of Otokoa is the Goddess of Magic, Ritual and Ceremony, and is the patron of the city of Grutza and of the College.   The College focuses on clerical studies, but does have other programs.   With classes and courses and study of nearly all divine domains, they encourage worship of multiple gods to encourage additional and varied powers for their students. They also have classes for paladins and includes a monastery on campus which follows the way of the open hand.   The Dean is a Cleric, Vice Dean is a Paladin. Government Rep is a Monk.   It is the largest college in Grutza.     The Dean is Jepip Pebblestand a Cleric of Otokoa and is a master of her class. She was born into a very poor family and sold into a work camp, but escaped and made her way to Grutza where she joined the college and studied instead. She adventured and worshiped and served as the cleric for many adventuring parties in her day. She retiren d to teach half a century ago, but still finds time to sneak out for an adventure every once in a while. She dies in Myths 1.5   The Vice Dean, Brian Grant , is a Paladin who is a human, but is 123 years old. He has spent his life fighting and now wants nothing more to train the next generation of holy fighters. He was a paladin on the holy path of Otokoa, seeking to ensure only good magic was within her realm, and in search of her holy truth.   The Head of the Order of Her Holy Truth is an astral monk named Winifred Coleson who lives a simple life and tries to teach the same. He had her go in parties a long time ago, but now teaches, and studies. Her second, Raz Mulcolc serves as the liaison and representative to the Kingdom of Grutza . Was an old hermit, who now must be a diplomat.     The College is filled with many interesting Clerics who become options for Dean. Bethany Ross - a human adventurer who has served with many parties over the years, she is a battle cleric through and through. Serana Selzt - a potion maker drawf cleric who has perfected the path of potions Courtney Wilde - A now multiclassed druid who used to date ralph, and has worshiped Otokoa through worship of otther gods, trying to understand all. Washington Armada- a former paladin who found peace has a class in monk and otherwise went cleric. 100% against going to fight the war of death Alma Balin- the head healer, an old wood elf, at the church Gallik Peacefinder- an orc who started as a fighter, then went monk, then cleric and now id s poeerfu; c;eric Glorikor Runebow- a cleric, a dwarf, who started as a man of Zerekoa, but transfers to Otokoa. Idiria Wander - a paladin who was recently stabbed by the god of death       The church has a massive library and a magical museum that includes many great items including, Staff of Healing, Figurine of Wonderous Power: Onyx Dog, Rope of Climbing, Scroll of Protection, Iron Bands of Bilarro, Potion of Flying, Staff of Thunder and Lightning, Robe of Useful Items, Ring of Protection, Quaal's Feather Token: Whip.


The Dean is the head of the College, and serves as the overall leader. Vice Dean has a stronger hand in school functions and heads the schools specifically. The Head of the Order of Her Holy Truth is on par with the Vice Dean in terms of hierarchy. 
Within the college after the Vice Dean there are department heads. Within the Order there is a loose prefect structure.


They are on a never-ending search for truth, both internal and external. They have a strong focus on ritual and study. Punctuality is considered extremely important. It is common for clerics and monks alike to join or form adventuring parties in a quests to discover lost artifacts and magical items, or simply to learn about the world and its people.

Public Agenda

The School seeks to protect the people through the worship of the divine.


The College has hoards of magical and enchanted goods of various quality and a massive stockpile of potions of various levels.


The school was founded centuries ago and grew alongside the city to become a centor of regional religion. Legend has it that Otokoa founded the school herself as she planned the worship of Zerekoa. It was this devotion that lead to him making her his wife, and a divinity herself.
Recently a shake up saw Sister Winifred Coleson elected to serve as leader, replacing a man who had to be exiled after a series of botched diplomatic attempts. She is a beloved figure at the Order.


The High Priestess of Otokoa lives at, but serves no official function with, the College. She serves the needs of the various clerics that call Uzta home, and teaches what she knows.    Various other clerics and graduates of the college do open churches or temples to worship Otokoa, or other gods, and serve as priests there.    Reverence is given to those clerics with the most skill and experience.

Granted Divine Powers

Divinely enhanced healing abilities.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The College and its senior members are all very old, and very powerful within the city.

Understanding the Truth.

Religious, Monastic Order
Parent Organization


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