Cult of Iris at Karagida


The Cult of Iris has a few circles,


Members at the Time of the Legacy of Eltoris Start

  Circles   The Tempest - the chaos and the unknown   The Summer Rain - follow the idea of demi gods of Iris and Sinclair   The Mother - follows the idea of protection from the storm
  When the game starts there is
  Niella Stormwater - wood elf/cleric- follows the mother and raises 16 orphans, she tells you just a year ago there was only 3.
Gremmus Flintale -Dwarf/barbarian- follows the mother, helps raise the orphans, was once a warrior, gay, lost his lover in battle
Lilxori Sweetchild -teifling/bard - follows the Summer Rain, a bard who sees it as romanic, though isn't actually super religous. came to the island only a few years ago, most because he was exiled from every where else for seducing more than a handful of queens.
Rezel Reginold - herengon/cleric - follows the summer rain, the apprentice of rustys grandmother and who was supposed to inherit the island before Christos arrived and claimed it for the higher cult
Zornolta Cobolt - wood elf/wizard - follows the tempest, a wizard who is very old, and wasn; always. a year ago he was 16. He tells a tell of a never ending war, and then jus reappearing, the team that was with him dead.
  Voddos Zagumath - triton/cleric - follows the tempest, just arrived from Uzta, came because he has a theory abbout the storm. that it is Sinclair, and that the Gods are in trouble. from mageia
  Korder Stonecrest - halfling/rouge of trickery- follows the tempest, also follows Tidbit the god Chaos. He once got into a fight with a rival when a piano fell onto his rival. he considered this divine and went to study the worship of Chaos, instead he finds about the time travel chaos of Iris and swears himelf to her.

Known History

Orginally a cult of Ekaitza but transitioned to Iris after the Treaty of the New Gods .


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