Divine Realm of Sinclair


  Home of Sinclair the god of time and paradox.   Was created shorly after the Treaty of the New Gods .   The headquarters of the Agents of Sinclair .  

Known History

  Was breifly visited during Legacy of Eltoris by the Agents of the Carot 
The base during Legacy of Westwood for the Agents of Sinclair 


  The Divine Realm of Sinclair, god of time and paradox, is a breathtaking domain of brass, marble, and endless gears. Enormous clocks and cascading hourglasses tick and flow in perfect harmony, marking moments across the cosmos. Suspended outside time and space, the realm serves as the headquarters for Sinclair’s agents, who monitor timelines and correct anomalies. Pathways made of interlocking gears stretch into the infinite, while celestial timepieces glow with arcane energy, each representing a thread of existence. Sinclair watches from a central, ever-shifting platform, ensuring the balance of time.


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