

  Francois is the God of Art, and has the power to enter paintings.   He Appeared in Legends of Aldatu during the first battle at Burdina .   He was kept in a painting until the time of his ascension during Conquest of Besar and later the Treaty of the New Gods .   He is an orc, with a large curly afro.   A god in the Pantheon of Minos .              

Piety Myths 

    Stay In Picture - When in danger, Francois paints himself into safety. ((Once per day, as a bonus action, you may heal yourself 4d12 HP)) Changing the Scene - Francois can paint his own reality. ((Once per turn you may change the result of any die))   Happy Accidents - Sometimes mistakes mean the most. ((Once per day, when you crit fail, turn it into a crit success))   Telling Stories - Francois can tell stories, with pictures or with words. ((Advantage on CHA checks))   Last Portrait - In the moments before he died, he saved himself. ((Instead of making a Death Save you may make a portrait of yourself that can only be restored witha greater restoration))


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