
a town known for their iron, Patron is Herdokoa , god of metal, iron, and rust, of times passage, seclustionist. does limited trading and only in bulk. built into a mountain and surrounded by walls. all solders wear all iron everything.   structures have tons of iron structures. including on the walls.   they are known for a swift and severe defense of their land, rites, people and customs. wary of outsiders. a massive magic spell keeps iron from rusting within the city walls. inside the city you must use a local iron currency, you may by it in gold or silver, but you may sell it back to the government at a discount, and only electrum. they know if their coins leave the city becaus eiron rusts very quickly. they have become very rich relatively quickly. The most wealthy are the mine owners, and then the city land owners.   The mining families split demographically, with two being dwarven, one being human, one being high eleven and one being orcish. the land owners ar emuch more diverse but there are only a few dozen of any significance. the burgeoning middle class is of merchants and skilled metal workers.   The King, also known as the Iron King, is a strong man, and when he dies an election is held between male members of his house to replace him. Generally the strongest win.   The King is named Rodrick III of House Lacon, and he is the second brother of four sons, his older brother was king but was killed during an adventure. He won the battle to become king. His brothers are Ramon, Rashid, Ripley, and Rowan. Ramon was once king but died 7 years ago. Other candidates included a distant cousin, Ruben. An elderly uncle, Rudolph, and two of his sons, Rupert and Russell.   The Hammer of the King, the effective Regent is an elf named Alys Deserthorn, who has held his post for hundreds of years, his 60 year old son, Rathalon Deserthorn is his protégé and the current lord of city guard.   The Lord of coin is a Dwarf named Pter Ironbeard. He owns a major mine, and is the richest man in Burdina.   The Lord Manager, who is in charge of maintaining the cities focus on export. She is a human, Claire Hudson. She was orphaned at 11, and got a job as a scribe, then worked her way into an admin role, by 21 she was running her own export unit. Now at 43 she is a skilled and seasoned manager, and she runs her own company on the side, and she is trying to amass a fortune, but she owes money because she picked the wrong side during the war and she now owes a lot of money to Tarring Family .   The Lord Priest is the faith of Herdokoa a dwarf named Thorhamora Ambercloak, who represents the faith to the king and council. The High Priest, the true leader of the faith is a half dwarf named Cindy Onyxbraids. They are both very tough women, who swing hammers and kick ass. Two top bishops are a human, and an elf, one representing the combat of iron, they are paladins. The other is a wood elf, and represents the passage of time, and they focus on history and religion, they are wizards.         The Kings Vault within the castle includes, Elven Chain, Rod of the Pact Keeper, Potion of water Breathing, Quaals Feather Token: Anchor, Mithral Armor, Mace of Terror, Sword of Wounding, Staff of Power, Scarab of Protection, Ring of Rustproofness.


The city is an even mix of dwarves, humans and orcs, and a small mix of everything else.


The King rules with a strong power and fairly large and powerful army. Their metal makes them very strong.

Industry & Trade

The City mostly trades in bulk, and inside only uses the Iron Coin of Burdina 
This causes a very strong internal and external economy.


A strong water system and strong walls allow a thriving inner city.

Guilds and Factions

The Iron Workers are the largest and most organized guild of the city. They own a large amount of land and rents only to members.


The city was in all but ruins before the nearby discovery of iron transformed them into a powerhouse.

Natural Resources

Multiple nearby iron sources, plus small sources of other metals and gems, including tin, saffire and ruby.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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