Hyria Valeriana

From Herself :   "Hiya! I'm Hyria Valeriana. I like long walks on the beach and.... Nevermind. I follow the god Dediolo and as you can assume I tend to have sticky fingers. Now as for if you will be susceptible to my sticky fingers? Hmmmm.... Nah, only if I really need it. I don’t take things for fun you know. If I do take something…. Just think of it as me borrowing it; I’ll return it eventually. Promise! But I don't suppose you would have any books on your person? The world tends to be quite fascinating if you really think about it and to my knowledge many books hold record of different events, places, items, ideas, animals, and so much more! Perhaps I'd even be willing to trade these fancy keys I just plucked off of someone for a book.... Whatdya say?"     Hyria is a swiftstrider rouge and a follower of Deidolo .   She attends College of Adventurers at Minos Point in the CAMP campaign.   She was raised as an orphan and was sponsored to go to CAMP.


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