
A small island with a temple to Iris .   Before the Conqest of Besar the island worshiped Ekaitza   The temple hides a portal to the fey wilde.   A cult lives and protects the island and the temple.  

276 Years From Now

  The Island is now a temple to Zortgilea and is the home of a massive Carrot Casino    


  The temple is protected by the cult while the village has decayed and shrunk. Only a few dozen buildings remain on he island. There is at least one shop on the island.   The party of the Legacy of Eltoris arrives on the island just after the new high cleric, Christos. They go to the temple and end up looting it's vault.  

2nd Era

  Eons ago, many calendars ago, the island was a battle zone during the conquest of Besar . A storm arrives on the island as the battle reaches its fever pitch, and a number of soldiers vanish.  

Millions of Years ago...

  The Island is maybe not an island, as the sea seems to be drained. A man made tunnel leads to the bottom of a cave system. A wall praying to Ekaitza blocks this tunnel.   The island is home to many dinosaurs.      

Orginal Notes

  The Community on the island is small, but there are temples to both Iris and Sinclair, and the shrine is ancient, now claimed by Iris. A single shop owned by a blacksmith and brewer coouple. they make weapons, and ale, aswell as some spirits, though they import and export some. Theyy handle most of the trading for the villiage. Both their parents had their own businesses, but their siblings either died, or left the island.   Morbrukk, Son ofZhor, the smith, married to Sophia Starr, they have twins, Brar Starr and Briar Starr   Other towns people are   Norkin Sunmoon - halflingcleric who is a former rouge, watched his who family and gang all die and now views the tempest as a storm who will consume, and so he hoped coming here would hide him from its wrath Orpos Anpobare - gnome druid who grows drugs, sells them and is the only one besides the shopkeeps to have connections off island. Ugodurk - father of family who prayed to Iris to get pregant, and then had triplets,full orc, but a peaceful man, a poet and painter Shirlee - mother of the family, human, but a martial artist, monk, kicks ass. Emily - daughter one Gynizura - daughter two Horadak - son Horjin Cobblereach - dwarf druid forager husband lives in a cave Wimita Rivercrest - halfling druid forager wife who lives in a cave Caitlyn Cobblereach - halfling child of the druids Darya Steam - water genaasi who served in the war, lost her family and now worships the storm, keeps a farm with her lover Florryn Rubersath - triton who served in the war, lost her family and now worships the storm, keeps a farm with her lover Hanebar - laborer, orc fighter who survived a battle thanks to a timely storm Han Bulon - laborer, human wizard who loved storm magic and came to protect the shrine, but was exiled from the cult for attacking a cult leader while drunk Icirrk - laberor, arakoaka used to be a monk of Zortgelia, of creation, but left after the decator was stone from his monestary, he marries and has a child, but they die at a different shrine. he is wounded during the storm so when he arrives on this island he is relegated to civilian work Anika - laborer, human used to be a companion but now works on the farm, she will sometimes resort to her old ways for enough coin. she has her own hut in the woods     The Cult of Iris has a few circles, but the cult is small and weak now.   Circles   The Tempest - the chaos and the unknown   The Summer Rain - follow the idea of demi gods of Iris and Sinclair   The Mother - follows the idea of protection from the storm   When the game starts there is   Niella Stormwater - wood elf/cleric- follows the mother and raises 16 orphans, she tells you just a year ago there was only 3.   Gremmus Flintale -Dwarf/barbarian- follows the mother, helps raise the orphans, was once a warrior, gay, lost his lover in battle   Lilxori Sweetchild -teifling/bard - follows the Summer Rain, a bard who sees it as romanic, though isn't actually super religous. came to the island only a few years ago, most because he was exiled from every where else for seducing more than a handful of queens.   Rezel Reginold - herengon/cleric - follows the summer rain, the apprentice of rustys grandmother and who was supposed to inherit the island before Christos arrived and claimed it for the higher cult   Zornolta Cobolt - wood elf/wizard - follows the tempest, a wizard who is very old, and wasn; always. a year ago he was 16. He tells a tell of a never ending war, and then jus reappearing, the team that was with him dead.   Voddos Zagumath - triton/cleric - follows the tempest, just arrived from Uzta, came because he has a theory abbout the storm. that it is Sinclair, and that the Gods are in trouble. from mageia   Korder Stonecrest - halfling/rouge of trickery- follows the tempest, also follows Tidbit the god Chaos. He once got into a fight with a rival when a piano fell onto his rival. he considered this divine and went to study the worship of Chaos, instead he finds about the time travel chaos of Iris and swears himelf to her.


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