Loll The Wrathful


City Watch - a gang of vigilantes that attack "bad guys" and protect neighborhoods Lord Commander Ay Jiaong - a veteran of Lomak who disagreed with him going forward after the senate cancelled the mission, he returned home and was disgusted at what had happened to his city. He formed the City Watch which has grown a lot over the last year.   Captain Leo Xiron - A Deputy that resigned over Oggs corruption, joined the City Watch as a man who wants to keep his city safe   Captain Loll The Wrathful - a fomer cleric of Otokoa , he moved to Garadoa to explore the Madness, but married a local and had children, one night a man on drugs killed his family, and he beat the man to death in the street. he served a year in jail, and joined the City Watch almost at formation   Active during Curse of the Black Crest Season One   An enemy of The Black Crest  

Known History

  Serves time in jail for murder. Joins Garadoa City Watch when he gets out.   Takes part in the storming of WildCloak Casino .


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