Marius Cain


  Constable of Bliznia as of CAMP Year Three of CAMP .   Member the Bliznian Police .   From Seirá now lives in Bliznia .


Teifling, who has shaved his horns down, and hides them in his hair. Hair is thick and brown, he wears a mustache. Normally wears a long coat over a non discript suit.    

Known History

  No Known History    


  Marius Cain Backstory: Constable Marius Cain hails from the bustling city of Seira, where he gained a reputation as a sharp-witted investigator with an unbreakable will. Known for his meticulous approach to solving cases, Cain’s rise through the ranks was swift but hard-earned. In Seira, he took down several notorious crime syndicates, earning the nickname “The Hound” due to his relentless pursuit of justice.   However, Cain’s success came at a cost. His obsession with cracking every case left him estranged from his family and made him a solitary figure. Despite his gruff demeanor, Cain is deeply loyal to the law, and he has an acute sense of right and wrong that sometimes puts him at odds with the more corrupt elements in any city he works in.   When the prison in Bliznia was destroyed and several high-profile criminals escaped, the city council turned to Cain, seeing his success in Seira as the key to restoring order. He was offered the position of Constable, a role with wide-ranging authority, in hopes that his fresh perspective and investigative expertise could swiftly bring the fugitives back to justice.   Now, in Bliznia, Marius Cain finds himself in an unfamiliar city full of hidden dangers. The escapees are blending into the shadows, and Cain knows it’s only a matter of time before they strike again. He’s a gumshoe through and through—armed with his trusty notebook, a sharp eye for detail, and a penchant for uncovering the darkest secrets. Cain isn’t here to make friends; he’s here to solve the case, one criminal at a time.


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