

Bliznia was once a part of the Leonin Empire , but did not start that way, and is not that way now.   There is a Local Senate of leaders that are lead by a chosen Consul . As of CAMP Year Three the Consul of Bliznia is Octavia Basil .   The town is near the College of Adventurers at Minos Point .     They have a local highschool, Bliznia High School and are sometimes considered CAMPS rival.   During CAMP Year Two the city is taken over by Percival Bloom as its new King of Bliznia   The Docks are an area known for crime and criminality.   There is a portal that greatly shortens the trip between the city and College for Adventurers at Minos Point .   There are many Restaurants in Bliznia .   There a few Courier Companies based in Bliznia .   There are a few large Construction Companies in Bliznia .        

Popular Locations




Current Inhabitants (as of Camp Year Three)


Former Inhabitants (As of Camp Year Three)


Known History

  Founded by a group of adventurers many thousands of years ago. Once a part of the Leonin Empire .
Recently, the murder of Nataal Sairoisi at the nearby College for Adventurers at Minos Point shook the city and leaded to increased crime and vigilante actiavity.
  During CAMP Year One , the city has a seril killer on the loose who is later revealed to be Phoebe Onasis . The Senate of Bliznia works to take over the education of the city, and ends up shutting down East Bliznia High and creating a CAMP Board of Governors for College for Adventurers at Minos Point . @Cons Gaius Basil collects power over the year. During this time East Side Cobras and the Reptilians ramp up hostilities.   During CAMP Year Two , tensions boil over after Folantis Pluma, a member of the East Side Cobras kills Qarl, a member of the Reptilians . The murder trial is a major moment in the city, even though the students get off. Afterward, following The Wedding of Percival Bloom and Octavia Basil Percival Bloom is named King of Bliznia . The Senate loses much power and eventually this leads to Bliznian Civil War . Percy loses and is arrested.
The following many months is stablizing as the Senate regains power and Octavia Basil sets herself up as a victim of her father and now ex-husband. She leverages this to get elected Consul of Bliznia . At the begining of Summer Percival Bloom makes a deal with Iris and thanks to Tidbit escapes and kills Constable of Bliznia Stellio Copperfield . Besar makes an apperence before leaving. There is a large concent down town, even as dozens of criminals have escaped the destroyed detention center.

Long Summery at end of CAMP Year Two

Bliznea is a central location in the series, a city marked by its complex political landscape, social divisions, criminal underworld, and supernatural influences. It serves as a backdrop for many of the major events and character developments in the story.
Geography and Layout:
Bliznea is a large, bustling city with various districts that cater to different social classes and activities. The city is divided into several notable areas, each with its own unique character:
  Downtown Bliznea: The heart of the city, home to important government buildings like the Bliznia Senate Building and the office of the Consul of Bliznia . It's also where major political events take place, including speeches, trials, and public gatherings.
The Docks: A rougher area where commerce, trade, and more illicit activities occur. It’s also a point of entry for various factions and the site of several important confrontations.
The Snake Pit : A notorious area associated with the East Side Cobras , a powerful gang that plays a significant role in the city's underworld.
The Boys' and Girls' Club: A place tied to the Cobras, serving as both a hideout and a community center for the gang's younger members.
Onasis Gyro and Malts : A popular hangout spot, especially for the younger characters, which also serves as a front for more secretive activities.
Political Structure:
Bliznea is governed by a Senate, led by Consul Gaius Basil and other influential senators. The Senate is responsible for making laws, handling city governance, and managing the various factions within Bliznea. However, corruption is rampant, with many senators involved in dark dealings, including pacts with devils and criminal enterprises.
  Social and Criminal Elements:
Bliznea is a city where the lines between law and crime are often blurred. The criminal underworld is dominated by gangs like the Cobras and the Reptillions. The Cobras, in particular, have a significant influence on the city, with many members involved in both street-level crimes and higher-level conspiracies.
  The city is also rife with tension between these gangs, leading to frequent conflicts and power struggles. The ongoing battle between the Cobras and the Reptillions escalates throughout the series, contributing to the city's chaotic atmosphere.
  Supernatural Influences:
Bliznea is not just a city of politics and crime; it is deeply entangled with supernatural forces. Devils, particularly Baalzebul and those seeking power through dark pacts, have a strong presence in the city. These infernal influences manifest in various ways, from the corruption of city leaders to the emergence of devilish powers and artifacts.
  The city is also affected by otherworldly events, such as the arrival of new landmasses and the influence of mythical creatures and deities. These elements create an environment where reality is often distorted, and the supernatural is an ever-present threat.
  Key Events in Bliznea:
Bliznea is the site of several major events that drive the series' plot:
  Heist of Basil Mansion : A critical operation where the protagonists infiltrate the mansion to steal valuable artifacts and uncover secrets.
The Wedding of Percival Bloom and Octavia Basil : The city witnesses a dramatic shift in power when Consul Basil, Octavia Basil , and Percival Bloom are transformed into devils during a wedding, leading to the destruction of the Senate building and a call for Percy to become a dictator.
Gang Wars: The escalating conflict between the Cobras and the Reptilians brings Bliznea to the brink of chaos, with various characters caught in the crossfire.
Bliznea’s Role in the Series:
Bliznea serves as more than just a setting; it is a character in its own right. The city reflects the themes of power, corruption, and resistance that run throughout the series. It is a place where characters are constantly tested, where alliances are forged and broken, and where the battle between good and evil plays out on both a personal and city-wide scale.


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