

  A coastal city that is majority Leomin, who used to rule an empire that streched around the coast, but the empire fell hundreds of years ago.   The rest of the city is a mix of many races, and while the King is a Leomin, there are many people of various races in his administration. There is only one noble family in town, the royal family, though it is large as he has a haram and many childrens   There are many city guards and an oustanding, but corrupt, legal system.   There is a Paladin order living on a small island just off the coast in the bay.   They are known for great tailors and textile working, sewing, and embroidery.   Seira controls two nearby cities with Leonin leadership, the remains of their empire, plus a handful of smaller settlements   Dóntia  and Chaíti  are still Leonin royalty lead. Yperifáneia , Dikaiosýni  and Isorropía  are allied, but not technically a union.     The Leader of the City, and the royal family, is The Prince of Seira. The rest of the royal family takes the title Baron or Baroness. Any full blooded brother of the Prince takes the title Dux.   Prince Dekruz Summerclaw  is now in his fourth decade, and his second as Prince. His brothers Tygnios Summerclaw  and Dygoker Summerclaw  are powerful in their own right.   It is the port from which the The Pompii set sail from, as seen in the Legacy of Eltoris . The sinking of that ship caused the The Sunken Salvage War .    The city is known for its criminal underworld, with the likes of Grace and Carmello Bruno being powerful crime bosses. The Black Crest is intergrated fully into every aspect of the of the underworld.   The amaetur aspect of this criminal underworld was the roving bands of orphans, where Hyria Valeriana grew up. She later opens a petting zoo there with Folantis Pluma after CAMP Year One . The petting zoo is mostly destroyed by rouge elements of the East Side Cobras at the order or Thomas Bareak who sought to break and manipulate the students of College for Adventurers at Minos Point .    It is one of the major parts of Legacy of Halison when the Orphans arrive and learn about the city. It was also the home of Chanel Grace .     


  Seira is a coastal city with a majority Leomin population, once part of a larger empire. While the empire fell, Seira remains influential, controlling two nearby cities and a few smaller settlements. The city is ruled by Prince Dekruz Summerclaw and his large royal family. Seira is known for its skilled tailors, embroiderers, and its corrupt legal system. Crime is rampant, with bosses like Grace and Carmello Bruno controlling much of the underworld. The city also has a Paladin order on a nearby island and a significant criminal history.


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