The Mages College of Grutza


  Located in Grutza a very religious area. patron god is Otokoa , the god of ritual and ceremony and magic, monk college, bard college, wizard college, economy is based on getting all the colleges to work for basically free. they do not like people who are not alum. the city is controlled by a congress of deans who elected an arch dean to rule the city. they rule in tandem, technically but never in function, with the high priest of Otokoa. adventuring partys in the style of greek frats are common. the teachers and admins benefit form the students hard work. grad students struggle mightily to close the gap. sometimes very poor servants are brought in.       The Mages College teaches many classes, including Artificer classes.    
There is a vault that includes many things, including, Trident of Fish Command, Sun Blade, Staff of the Magi, Staff of Charming, Mirror of Life Trapping, Manual of Golems: Clay, Mace of Disruption, Ioun Stone: Strength, Doss Lute, Gloves of Missile Snaring, boots of levitation, Dust of Dryness, Sun Blade, Bracers of Defense, Onyx Dog, Periapt of Health, Holy Avenger.   The Majority of classes are to study various school of magic, but there are some other classes, like history, or finance.  


  • Abjuration
  • Conjuration
  • Divination
  • Enchantment
  • Evocation
  • Illusion
  • Necromancy
  • Transmutation
  • Artificing
  • History
  • Finance
Each School has its own department head and teachers under them   The Grutza School of Abjuration is headed by the elven Wizard Balzeiros Summergaze, a former apprentice of Zelphar Tarring who arrived at the school almost two decades ago and started as a simple tutor. The teacher of Defensive Wards is Miraris Boldrest, a half elf from Urrea .   The Grutza School of Conjuration is lead by Dormya Boldmade an elven wizard. Daniel Skiprunner is a the professor of Combat Teleportation. Beilen Mosspath is the professor of Spirit Guardians, a class focused on what you can do to maximize the spell.   The Grutza School of Divination is lead by Leogren Eldermane, a very old bearded Dragonborn. His second is Firlog named Whiney Burr..   The Grutza School of Enchantment and the Grutza School of Artificing are lead by Ralolar Xaltorro, a elf who once built multiple warforged.He was one of a but a few surviving artificiers after the war an decided to teach to spread the knowledge. Farfir Restre a n elven Enchanter is the professor of Enchanting, and Rock Hudson is the professor of Artificing. Dunna Stonelyft is the professor of charms   The Gruzta School of Evococation is is lead by Jessica Cruz, a human who has studed the magic for two decades. The professor of Battle Evococations is Elanelis Gelennerros, an elf who is nearly 80.   The Grutza School of Illusion is lead by Kaston Havensky, a halfling Cleric wizard multiclass. Her second is an eleven wizard named Elsalor Quama.   The Gruzta School of Necromancy is lead by a half elf named Miramyar Cundrath. Her second is a Lich, though he tries to prevent people from learning this. His name is Tio Brave.   The Gruzta School of Transmutation is lead by
Education, Magic


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