
Urrea - a town of merchants, patron is Orekoa , a god of merchants, scales, balance. they have been establishing tolls and watchtowers as they secure their routes. they are steadily raising more soldier women especially, but also hire a large amounts of mercs to fills roles   Two Major Families are the Tarring Family and The Eltoris Family .     The King is a Elf who has ruled for only 17 years, having taken over after his father died after ruling for hundreds of years.     The King's Vault holds a demonic armor, Figurine of Wonderous Power : Obsidian Steed, Ioun Stone: Fortitude, Eversmoking BOttle, Cloak of Invisibility, Arrow of Slaying, Robe of the Archmagi, Portable Hole, Nine Lives Stealer, Figurine of Wonderous Power: Marble Elephant


The city is very diverse, but leans human and halfling.


The Government in controlled by the King and his council, which includes many very wealthy lord merchants.


The City is walled and has a deep trench around it with a draw bridge at the main gate.

Industry & Trade

The City has a great number of skilled craftsmen, and many merchants who travel and import many things. They have a thriving jewelry craft that is largest in Uzta.


The city is wealthy and well maintained. There is a strong water system and swept streets.


An industrial corner and the nearby slums house many poor workers.    The elevated neighborhoods house the richest people.    Most of the city is filled with mixed residential and commercial buildings with a lot of shops.

Guilds and Factions

The Goldenrod Family is a powerful group that imports gold into the city and runs a goldsmith.

Points of interest

The Forum of Orekoa, a massive outdoor forum for trade and barter.

Natural Resources

Has many mines nearby, including gold and silver.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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