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Denizens of The Realms down Under, Arach'ni are solitary long lived spiderkith. Arach'ni form loosely connected civilizations mostly out of need. Their webbed villages are quiet, walking through one gets plenty a predatory gaze upon you. Disliked by most other races, even drow want very little to do with them. For good reason too, Arach'ni are vicious hunters of all life.   Being caught in an Arach'ni's web is a death sentence if you have no help. You have an hour at most before you're detected, where that kith will signal to its others that dinner has arrived. If you have some means of fighting back while enwebbed, they'll launch poisoned bolts at you, and if they're sadistic they'll use the kiths that only leave you immobilized. They'll crawl along the web, and sink their fangs into you, deciding whether to devour you there or bring you back to town for more nefarious purpose.   As said before, Arach'ni civilization is more a necessity than anything else. They don't particularly dislike each other, but they hate having to share food. Many a victim has escaped from Arach'ni infighting. The reason they stick together like they do is because of all the more dangerous monsters and races down under. Zwe'sect and Pepuali exterminate the individuals, drow and duergar will enslave them, and dwarves use their bones for picks.   Thus, if an Arach'ni finds themselves alone or exiled, they either find a dark corner to hunt quietly, or they find another "family". With rather strange abilities and even stranger dispositions, an Arach'ni can make for a competent surface dweller or adventurer. Their webs are a very fine and natural source of silk many pay top dollar for.   When it comes to the personalities of Arach'ni, they tend to be quiet but very eccentric. They have problems processing other humanoid's emotions and their disgust when they lean down to take a bite of something dead or helpless. They have very focused interests, most of then a bit strange. Some enjoy weaving their webs in an artful pattern, and will get incredibly sad or angry if you "insult" it as an example. When it comes to religion, Arach'ni are varied. Not particularly leaning towards good or evil, they find an odd kinship with Leyinix. They also enjoy the insect god of death, Charon. But religion isn't usually that important to an Arach'ni.


Arach'ni are humanoid spider people with four 3 digit arms, 2 padipalp stingers on their back, and two insectoid legs. They have a creepy spidery face with eyes of various sizes, and large fangs. They have an abdomen they can weave web from. Arach'ni vary a lot in size, giving an average here would be useless. They range from 3ft. to 8ft. The 8ft. Arach'ni are horrifying to behold, especially if one is rushing you down. They vary quite a bit in pattern and physiology, some being thick and hairy while others are thin and spindly.  


Type Humanoid/(Insectkith)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Strength or Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Size medium
Speed 30ft, 30ft. climb
Language Arach'ni start with two regional languages and Undercommon. Arach'ni with high Intelligence scores can learn Aklo, BuzzBuzz, Dwarven, and Elven.

Racial Traits

  • [0 RP] Size Variation (Ex): Upon creation, an Arach'ni decides whether they will be small or medium sized.
  • [3 RP] Exceptional Darkvision (Ex): Arach'ni can see up to 120ft. in complete darkness.
  • [2 RP] Web (Ex): Arach'ni are capable web weavers, and gain the Web ability. An Arach'ni that is hiding in their web gains a +8 racial bonus to Stealth skill checks.
  • [2 RP] Arach'ni Toxin (Ex): Upon creation, an Arach'ni gains a deadly venom. They may choose between 1d3 Str, 1d3 Dex, or 1d2 Con damage. A number of times per day equal to her Constitution modifier (minimum 1/day), an Arach'ni can envenom a weapon that she wields with her toxic fangs. Applying venom in this way is a swift action. Arach'ni Venom: Injury; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the Arach'ni's Hit Dice + the Arach'ni's Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect [chosen venom]; cure 1 save.
  • [2 RP] Skill Bonus [Perception] (Ex): Arach'ni have spidey senses and gain a +2 racial bonus in Perception skill checks.
  • [2 RP] Limited Multi-Arms (Ex): An Arach'ni has four total arms. While capable of wielding a weapon in each arm, she is unable to attack with all of them due to the advanced coordination it takes. Otherwise, these arms are capable of anything else, such as wielding wands and holding potions. Because of their multiple arms, they receive a +2 to maintain grapples. If an Arach'ni has two weapons and a shield in her arms, she cannot apply her shield bonus if she attacked with her two weapons.
  • [1 RP] Spider Climb (Ex): Arach'ni are fantastic climbers, and have a climb speed of 30ft. and a +8 racial bonus to Climb skill checks.
  • [4 RP] Arach'ni Attacks (Ex): Arach'ni have a primary natural bite attack (1d4 medium, 1d3 small), and two primary pedipalp stingers on their back (1d3 medium, 1d2 small piercing). Their bite attack uses Arach'ni Toxin as a poison on hit.

Scientific Name
Aranea Hominem   Origin/Ancestry
Insectoid (Spiders)   Lifespan
200-300   Typical Habitat
Pretty much anywhere within the Realms down Under, there are many varieties of Arach'ni. There are also some in the jungles of Eoyecuan.   Average Physique
Their body shapes can vary greatly. Some look thinner then a pencil, and others are thick.


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