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The strange insectkith of the Realms down Under, Pepuali are the shy and mysterious race of moth people. Very skittish, they form societies in the darkest reaches of the underground, and few rarely ever see one in person. Typically very peaceful, they hide in the dark and observe those travelling in their realms quietly, waiting until it's safe to come out. Pepuali are enthralled by magical forms of light however. Those of a clever mind can often bait one out if they suspect they're nearby, and the evil drow of the Realms down Under often use this type of method to capture or kill them.   Pepuali make their little societies around damp underground caverns. They enjoy having light available to them. Bioluminescent mushrooms, crystals, and other forms of nearby natural light are where they typically settle. The average pepuali isn't hostile, and while their gazes in the dark might seem unnatural, they're merely just observing. There have even been cases of that those lost or dying in The Realms down Under being saved by them.   Despite their isolation, they have a rich culture. They are enjoyers of music, literature, and other forms of art. They have some of the most beautiful garments within Aldebaran, and their structures tend to be aesthetically very pleasing. Religion is deeply practiced in their society, the gods Sham'oh Thalia and Gambler being insect gods of worship. They also enjoy the god So'lith, worshipping the light they provide. Some dark pepuali worship the god Glojarl as well, but that tends to be more rare.   Pepuali are very social if you can get past that initial barrier. They love talking to their fellow kin about potential pieces of art, poems they've made, that sort of deal. Some become diplomats of their kind, wanderlusters that seek new experiences and can get past the race's initial distrust of outsiders. For those that have ever met a pepuali outside of their own society, this is likely the version of one they met.   Pepuali don't have any particular enemies besides the hated drow, but there exists a deep seated fear of the Arach'ni. Being the races natural enemy, a pepuali will never willingly confront them alone, choosing instead to overwhelm the spiderfolk with their numbers. Some say the reason the Pepuali so dislike the spiderfolk and other spider like creatures is that they can't pick them up with their antennae. Whether this is true or not is hard to determine, no pepuali wants to test it.  


Pepuali have four arms with spines, two big patterned wings, large compound eyes, two large fuzzy atennae, and two insect legs. They average around 3"5, and weigh on average around 65lbs. Pepuali come in all sorts of colors and fur, from light green lunar moth accents with big pools of fuzz, to the dusty grey hairs of the common moth. Typically though, they're of the less saturated colors, vibrancy isn't typically seen in one.  


Type Humanoid/(Insectkith)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom or Charisma or Dexterity, -2 Constitution
Size small
Speed 20ft, 40ft fly;
Language Pepuali start with two regional languages and Undercommon. Pepuali are capable of learning any language they want, excluding secret languages (except BuzzBuzz).

Racial Traits

  • [5 RP] Flight: Pepuali have a fly speed of 40ft. with poor maneuverability. Pepuali never need to make a fly check to hover.
  • [-1 RP] Slow: Pepuali are slower than most races at 20ft.
  • [3 RP] Exceptional Darkvision: Pepuali are capable of seeing 120ft. in complete darkness.
  • [4 RP] Moth Sense: Pepuali have blindsense 30ft. Within 5ft, Pepuali have blindsight. This ability does not work on spider-like creatures.
  • [-2 RP] Light Fascination: Pepuali are enthralled with light. Whenever subjected to a spell or supernatural effect with the light descriptor or within 30ft. of an effect with light that they can see, they must make an additional will save or become fascinated for a number of rounds equal to the spells level (minimum 1), moving towards the source. If this movement would be hazardous, they may make another will save to break free from the fascination.
  • [-2 RP] Fearful: Pepuali are intensely skittish, and take a -2 on all saves against fear effects. If a Pepuali can see or knows that a small or larger sized spider-like creature is nearby, they are shaken for 1 hour.
  • [2 RP] Limited Multi-Arms (Ex): A Pepuali has four total arms. While capable of wielding a weapon in each arm, she is unable to attack with all of them due to the advanced coordination it takes. Otherwise, these arms are capable of anything else, such as wielding wands and holding potions. Because of their multiple arms, they receive a +2 to maintain grapples. If a Pepuali has two weapons and a shield in her arms, she cannot apply her shield bonus if she attacked with her two weapons.
  • [2 RP] Wing Patterns: Pepuali have very distinguished wings. Upon character creation, they gain a +2 to Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate, and that skill is always a class skill for them.
  • Scientific Name
    Tinea Hominem   Origin/Ancestry
    Insectoid (Moths)   Lifespan
    50-90   Typical Habitat
    Damp mushroomy caverns within the Realms down Under, preferably with a lot of light.   Average Physique
    Very varied in color, but typically thin and slender with long toothpick like arms and legs.


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