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That Who Remembers

Aunheim is the Theotian of commerce, society, order, and structure. From the metal minting of coins, the foundation of education to lift communities, the memory of mistakes of successes, Aunheim is believed to be the Theotian responsible for giving the humanoid and beastfolk races the means to form towns and cities.   Of the original pantheon, Aunheim isn't really a Theotian that's "worshipped" per say. They're more like a philosophy to be followed. The god is very well respected in all forms of orderly society, and few can hate a God that started the idea of societies and structure. Even the gnoll and iruxi tribes owe their formations in some sort to the god of society. Of course, they have their worshippers, but those clergy tend to be politicians, university teachers, and scientists that use Aunheim's teachings more as a guideline.   Aunheim also represents the change the time can bring. The ruins of civilizations long past, their memories held in reverence. The change of seasons that bring about the growth or decline of society. It is thought that that was what Aunheim used to hold as their main title as an original Theotian. The god of seasons would hold onto this title throughout the ages, but they became more known for their original idea to form civilization.


A hooded figure in pastel light brown robes, known know what Aunheim looks like. For the beastfolk of the world, Aunheim is depicted as a Saetori under the hood, and for the humanoids, a simple man. The Theotian has an innumerable amount of variations though. Their symbol is that of sapling in a plant pot.

Divine Domains

Knowledge Industry
Memory Metal

Tenets of Faith

  • Stand on the shoulders of giants, so that you may act as foundation for those for those like you in the future.
  • Promote the growth of civilization and society.
Divine Classification
Favored Weapon
True Deity
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
God of Season, Civilization Founder, Minter of Coin
Main Planes
Holy Symbol/Sigil
Sapling in a pot plant


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