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Iruxi are a diverse race of humanoid lizards that exist within Aldebaran. There are desert iruxi, and swamp iruxi. Unlike the other beast races, Iruxi are typically not found within civilized society. There are no real families that exist within the regimes of The Wrekuinao Dynasty or the Teobik Trust. Iruxi instead have scattered villages and tribes often found around swamplands within Astrulia, Jul, and Eoyecuan. While typically hostile towards those that would intrude upon their lands, most aren't ruthless killers that others would depict them as. Iruxi swamp tribes mostly wish to be left alone, though encroachment upon their lands has lead to bloody conflicts. Their hardy nature and resiliency make them a devastating foe to wage battle against, and despite their honor bound societies they aren't above hit and run tactics when it comes to defending their homelands.   The desert-bound iruxi are typically more pleasant to deal with. Though just as brutal as their swamp-like counterparts, they are active traders and expert travellers in the deserts they reside in. Hired as guides and guards, they along with the gnolls they oft compete have knowledge of the deserts that few can rival. They have such a monopoly on trade within the deserts of Rabul that they even own their own city of grandeur and trade called Kirsulx along with the gnolls, one of the few times that the two races have actually cooperated. Otherwise, they are usually bitter rivals. The Flesh Markets of Kirsulx are one of the biggest sources of slave trading and prostitution in the world.   The physical differences between desert and swamp iruxi are actually quite few, but the mentalities are quite different. Swamp iruxi tend to be more passive, community focused, and bound by their own rules of honor rather than those that society would put upon them. Desert iruxi are ambitious, individualistic, and refer to the laws of the land as their motto. Common gods that iruxi tend to worship are Utosserix, Karnassus, Jyodjit, Slaveku, Doko, and Vin Kon Junai. A wide variety of gods, but then again they are a rather diverse species. Battle has always been in their blood though, and the war gods tend to always be in the pocket of worship, even if one would say otherwise.   A meeting between a swamp and desert iruxi will often turn hostile. Iruxi have different methods of thinking unlike most other races, a more feral and animalistic disposition. There is a natural response to how they react, eye contact, spines bristling, hunched and ready to leap at a moments notice. It is lucky then that they tend to live so far apart, battles between the two are destructive and bloody.   Family and tribe are important to iruxi on different levels. Even in the swamp-lands, where tribe is critically important to their survival, iruxi are still individuals and will react to slights from those within the tribe as they would with anyone else. While they would give their life for the tribe's greater good, swamp iruxi value themselves and each other too much to consider that as an option. Desert iruxi are a bit different however. They work together in the deserts to survive just as swamp iruxi would, but their line of work tends to have them in closer contact with other races where they might form friendships with them. Desert life is harsh however, and in lands such as Rabul where a life of slavery is just wrong step away, they tend to value their own hides over others more.   Iruxi don't particularly dislike any of the other races anymore than the rest, the exception being gnolls for desert iruxi. The two races have competed for dominance nearly all their lifespans within the harsh wastes, and an innate hatred exists between the two.  


Iruxi are humanoid lizards with digitigrade legs, four fingered clawed hands, and thick whip-like tails. They tend to average around 6"3 and weigh between 200-300lbs, with the males typically being heavier and stockier while the females are taller and more wiry. Their scales are extremely tough, and are typically colored green, black, or brown. There have been cases of Iruxi with white, red, blue, and even more exotic colors, but these cases are rare.  


Type Humanoid/(Reptile)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Constitution, +2 Strength or Dexterity, -2 Charisma
Size medium
Speed 30ft.
Language Iruxi begin play speaking two regional languages and Draconic. Iruxi with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aquan, Elven, Goblin, Sylvan, and Terran.

Racial Traits

  • [3 RP] Tough Scales (Ex): Iruxi have very hard scales all over their body, providing them with a +2 Natural Armor bonus.
  • [3 RP] Iruxi Immunities: Iruxi are immune to the condition paralysis and bleed.
  • [2 RP] Darkvision (Ex): Iruxi are capable of seeing 60ft. in complete darkness.
  • [2 RP] Lizard Mobility (Ex): Iruxi have a swim speed of 30ft and a climb speed of 20ft. This confers +8 racial bonus to the swim and climb skills.
  • [2 RP] Natural Healing (Ex): Iruxi heal 1 hit point per hour. Lost limbs regenerate in 1d4+1 days (unless they are dead).
  • [4 RP] Natural Attacks (Ex): Iruxi have two claw attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage (1d3 if small). They also have a bite attack for 1d6 point of damage (1d4 if small). These attacks are primary natural attacks unless they are wielding manufactured weaponry, in which case they are secondary natural attacks.
  • [-1 RP] Cold Blooded: Iruxi are cold blooded humanoids and take a -2 on any cold related saves.
  • [0 RP] Hold Breath (Ex): Iruxi can hold their breath for four times their Constitution score before risking drowning or suffocating.

Scientific Name
Lacerta Hominem   Origin/Ancestry
Reptilian   Lifespan
90-120   Typical Habitat
Warm regions such as Astrulia, central Isrem, and Eoyecuan. Cold doesn't suit the iruxi.   Average Physique
Males tend to be larger and stockier, while females tend towards wiry. Long thick tails.


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