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The Black Serpent of Creation

One of the Twin Serpents Utosserix seeks to mold life out of nothing, preserve creation, and make the world beautiful. His teachings are quite simple and pair with Silinthinius, while destruction is necessary, creation must follow. Law preserves order, and allows for advancement. Utosserix lends his power to those who would provide this law, and many of the high priests of Utosserix tend to be community leaders, politicians, and even kings amongst populations.   Public worship of Utosserix is typically smiled upon. Most cultures have a temple within their major cities. Followers of the Black Snake tend to be separate. The idea of someone's law might be chaotic to another, and art is very often subjective. While Utosserix has many followers, there is a far larger than average reptilian presence within their clergy. These reptilian members are quite devout, following an idealogy from a myth of long ago. It is not uncommon for the reptilian population to also worship Silinthinius for this same myth.   Utosserix is thought to not be of the original pantheon, rather he is a twin creation made by The Primordial Wyrm along with Silinthinius. It was said that The Primordial Wyrm made them in response to dragon's enslavement of reptilian kind many many years ago. There are few who can recount this story with any accuracy, fewer still who may have even lived through this age. Therefore, the relationship between Utosserix and Silinthinius is actually quite amicable, while their relationships with the dragon gods of Auro'thaken and Fayenok are quite poor.   Utosserix's rules on creativity are... flexible. A rather well known example being undead. So long as they aren't created for the express purpose of harming the innocent, they can be seen as a form of art. It would go against a paladin of Utosserix's code to smite the creations of the necromancer. Of course, undead are very unstable things. A moment's lapse of control and they become dangerous killers. Negative energy is a natural part of the world, it can be used to create beautiful things. Though the dangers behind it are ever prevalent.   Utosserix is still a god of good, and does not condone any acts of evil even in the pursuit of art. A necromancer who has used undead to harm others is offered no safety by clergy of Utosserix. Rather, they'll seek retribution for the potential creative values that was lost in the attacks. The line for clergy really is just, "if they do no harm, do them none".


A giant black serpent with red eyes and a glowing halo, surrounded by fire and monsoons. His symbol is shared with Silinthinius. It is a figure eight, he is the black half of the symbol, a pair of wings jutting out of his back.

Divine Domains

Serpent (Animal Domain)

Tenets of Faith

  • The snake is a sacred animal, never harm one.
  • Creation is divine, Utoserrix regards any form of artistry to be venerated.
  • Destruction is the counter balance to creation, and never to be committed unless absolutely necessary.
  • Create stuff or lose your powers. Creation is loosely defined. As long as creation is being performed either through yourself or through others.
Divine Classification
Favored Weapon
Natural Attack
True Deity
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Black Serpent of Creation, Black Snake, Ouroboros of Creation
Main Planes
Holy Symbol/Sigil
A figure eight, he is the black half with wings. Shared with Silinthinius.


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