Agorrun (ag OH run)

the Blood of Aldern's Heart


Agorrun is the, very, active volcano at the heart of Inage Island. A plume of smoke continually bellows from its lava filled caldera. Deep below the surrounding ocean magma churns, regularly sending steam boiling out of the waters creating a misty vail around the island. Though Agorrun eternally stirs, it never erupts. The Elf and Fairy have long kept the volcano under control with their Magic. This has become a threat to the people of the island however as Agorrun, suppressed for centuries, grows more agitated as the ages pass. One day he will destroy the island and all on it.


Despite being the greatest danger to the inhabitants of the island, Agorrun is also their greatest benefactor. The churning lava that bellows up from below bring with it minerals from the core of Aldern. Minerals infused with the Kianon at the heart of the world. The magic within these minerals have created what Inage Island is today.



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