Fairy Species in Aldern | World Anvil


the Fair Folk


To the peoples of Anbar fairy is a term used to categorize any intelligent humanoid species that is not Human, Elf, Orc, or Dwarf. Those of Novyum use the term similarly, though narrowing it to only those creatures heavily associated with the Anon (Magic), such as Goblin and Kobold. South of the Cutting Mountains, in Jerain however, fairy is not a generic title or term, it is a people.


There are as many fables of fairy in Ethae as there are nations. Most are myths and legends of old. Stories abound of their first appearance in the world. Some saying they hatched from the Nura orbs that drift in the Elder Tree. Other say they grow in pods on the trees and bleed sap. The Urzan Papyrus has them created early in history by Aterleg, transforming a woman into the first fairy. Every stories told of the fairy have one thing in common however, that is they are deeply connected to the elder trees. You cannot have one without the other.


The fate of the fairy and the elder trees are indeed intertwined. The first fairies served as caretakers to the upper branches of Aterleg, as much as the elves cared for the land around the trunk. It was they that traveled with the seeds of Grandfather Tree. Planting and care for the elder trees as it grew tall. In many ways they were the first people to spread across the land and colonize it. Each group building a community in their tree, inviting the elves in later ages to live among them. Each community fading from the world with their elder trees as it died.


Today Aterleg is gone, and only two elder trees remain, both in Jerain's thick forests. It is in Jerain that nearly all the last fairies survive. These are the fairies of Brimad and of Hamis. The Brimad fairy is a vicious creature, a protector of its tree. None beyond the native animals can pass into the Brimland. Not even the elves are safe anymore. In the Loslands the fairies are much friendlier, though no less protective of their home tree. Both know the fate of their kin and the other trees. Both communities fighting to see that the last elder trees remain in the world.


Outside the Southern Reach of Ethae a small communities of fairy survive in Tinjir, despite the loss of their tree. The Enisle Archipelago fairy communities survived Dragonfall and the death of Seblug in the fires that followed. They now live protected and cared from by the elves of the archipelago.


Fairy of the modern day, as stated above, are almost universally considered more myth than truth. Those of Jerian rarely leave the tree's lands, most never leave the branches of their tree at all. The Enisle fairy community stay hidden living free of trouble in the magical forest created by the elves. Though they will eternally feel the loss of their tree, they have found a new home. Some of these fairies still long for the touch of their tree, sneaking across the sea to Seblug’s Corpse to see their lost home.


More than the elves and dwarves, the fairies are a fading people. The world of man has no place for them. The Tinjir fairies' numbers dwindle more each year, even safe on Inage Island, while the fairies of Jerain survive strong with their elder tree, knowing however, all it will take but one of those elder trees to fall and the age of fairies will pass from Aldern forever.

Fairy Types

Aos si - the fairies of the Loslands.

Brimies - the fairies of the Brimlands.

Nhanah - the fairies of Tinjir.

The Old Fairies


Aterleg Fairies

Outside of the single reference in the Urzan Papyrus nothing is known of these most ancient ancestors of the fairy people.


Brimad Fairies

Known as 'Brimies', this fairy community of elder tree Brimad controls the Brimlands with murderous intent to any venturing in their lands. Brimies have much more ethereal wings rather than the typical insect like wings of others.


Borg Fairies

Known as 'Night Fairies' or 'Ninies', this lost community of elder tree Borg were said to be some of the most beautiful sights one can see. Known to dance on the waters of the Land of Five Lakes during mid-summer nights. Their appearance is lost to history, but several stories discribe have radiant glowing wings and dark skin.


Onoma Fairies

The lost fairy community of elder tree Onoma were called the 'fair folk'. It is of these fairies that the term was coined and spread to mean all fairies. The Onoma fairies were said to be deeply connected to the human civilizations around them. Even so many ages later, the fairy is deeply associated with the cultures of the region, with many banners sporting fairy imagery. It is believed that some Omona fairies survive and live on Inage Island with the elves. These fairy had small colorful buterfly like wings.


Urzan Fairies

Lost to history, the fairies of elder tree Urzan were known as 'Rhado' or 'Rhadopi'. These fairies were said to have golden wings and hair, with ivory skin. They are featured in many tales from Ancient Siduum as guardian to princesses and advisors to kings.


Hamis Fairies

Known as the 'Aos si', these fairies of elder tree Hamis dwell deep in the Loslands, reclusive, but friendly, they are known to guide lost hunters home, sneak into villages to play with children, and befriend any animal they come across. That said, like their northern kin, they are very protection of their tree and will kill any that come near enough to harm the tree. They are recognized from their translucent wings of violet and blue and near universally bright red hair.


Sessileg Fairies

Fairies of elder tree Sessileg, called 'Rainbow Fairies,' were lost with the eruption of Mount Sessil, along with their tree. Tales of these fairies are abundant in the north; despite being lost so long ago. Sessileg fairies appearance is lost to time, with most associating their appearance with other more common fairies. While they are known as 'Rainbow Fairies' it is believed that their wings were white and perhaps feathered, though this is speculation.


Seblug Fairies

The 'Little People' or 'Nhanah', of elder tree Seblug, are a community of fairy living in Tinjir. Thought lost with their tree in Dragonfall, some of these people still live on the Enisle islands with the elves.

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