Inage Island Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Inage Island (IN ahj)

the Twilight Court


Inage island, on any map, appears as small island at the western tip of the Enisle Archipelago, of the west coast of Anbar. It is, at most, twenty-five miles across as its longest. At the island heart rise Agorrun, an active volcano. The seas surrounding the island often have churning magma break through the ocean floor, sending steam and smoke billowing up, surrounding the island in a misty haze.


The interior of the island, growing on the slopes of Agorrun, is a thick forest. The forest is heavily infused with every aspect of the Anon (Magic). The entire island is blanketed in a quiet elven song, as if the air itself sings. As one crosses the reefs surrounding Inage, the sky turns a pristine blue, the seas calm, the air sweet feeling the lungs with life. As one travels even a few feet beyond the crystalline beaches into the forest, the world becomes and eternal twilight of shade, the sun hidden by the canopy above. The twilight in the forest is persistent day or night, the interior light by glowing leaves hanging among the branches, colorful flowers that light their surroundings and tiny Nura drifting about. Traveling deeper into Enisle, it becomes clear that the twenty-five miles length of the island does not apply to the forest within. A wanderer in the forest of Enisle can travel a hundred miles in a straight line and never reach the far shore. They could climb a nearby tree into the canopy of leaves above and never find their way out to the sunlight above. A wanderer will be lost forever in Enisle without a guide. Lucky for them, fruit grows abundant everywhere, springs of fresh water sit in cool groves, and no predators lurk to pounce on a resting traveler. For the natives, the forests are easily navigable. The Elf and Fairy of Inage can see the magical conduits through the forest and know the paths to take. They can spend their days wandering the endless forest or cross the island from side to side in an instant if they so need.


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