Angelnom Tradition / Ritual in Aldern | World Anvil

Angelnom (AN gel noom)

the Great Adventure


The Angelnom is a rite of passage for Akadian youth to become adults. Each spring the Akadian, males and female, that has reached the age of 14 gather and journey out into the world. The youths usually band together, often with older Akadians that are still on their Angelnom. The majority will create mercenary groups to hire themselves out to nations across the world as archers. Some travel the world alone, or with a few others, to explore and learn.


There is no set time for the Angelnom. A participant returns when they feel ready to contribute to the tribe as an adult. Some return after only a year, others could stay on the Angelnom for a decade. Most of those on the rite, that can, will return in the spring to Akadia to take on the new youths that are journeying out into their own rite. The most common tradition of this is when a member finds a spouse. A man will return to his tribe with his wife, a women will join her husband's tribe. It is rare for an Akadian to choose never to return to their homeland, but it is not unheard of.


Several profession mercenary groups of Akadians have formed through the years and are on retainer with some nations or private armies, taking on new Angelnom youths as other retire and return home.


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