Akadian Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Akadian (ah KAY de in)

the Hunters of Roc


According to their own lore, Akadian ancestors were the legendary Portomic Pirates, led to the Tooth of Thoamaine (the Portius Peninsula) by the divine bird Argentavis after a storm blew them off course.


Akadians are a strong tribal ethnic group of Human. Children learn from birth that tribe is more important then immediate relatives. The whole tribe is the family. There is little social difference between the men and women in Akadian society, in regards to warriors, hunters or leaders. The only exception of this is in the marriage traditions of the people. Akadian women are required to leave their own tribe to wed a man from another tribe when they enter their majority, often expected to meet their husbands during the ‘Angelnom.'


Every Akadian, man or woman, learns to use a bow from an early age. Life in the steep terrain of their homelands has put a focus on the ranged hunting of avian for food. Akadian archers are renowned for their skill with their bows. It has become a rite of passage among the tribes, known as the ‘Anglenom,' that when youth reach their majority, the Akadian, male and female, journey out from their tribes to join mercenary bands, hired out to lend their skills to those that can afford them. Returning only when ready to marry and settle down into the tribal life of their kin. This experience, coupled with the rugged terrain of their homeland, has created a fierce people. Despite a small fragmented population, no invasion of Akadia has yet succeeded.


While most scholars categorize Akadians as Ismon, many others consider them of the Normon group, with their ancestral heritage originating from Capedian sailors marrying into the native population. Their skin tones range from pale to deep tans in shading. With hair and eye colors varied of any natural color known to mankind, though darker shades are most common. All lending credence to their being a mixed people of both ismon and normon heritage.

Game Note: When playing an Akadian chose either the ismon or normon heratige at the creation of the character.

Name Samples:

(male) Astan, Blahos, Bora, Largos, Mile, Nagan, Shuran, Tabab, Ugen, Vlado

(female) Arsala, Bianka, Elka, Gale, Ida, Jalena, Nadeja, Sana, Subi, Yeka


Akadians do not use family names to identify themselves, rather they use their tribal name, suffexed by the Portaine word meaing “of the”, which is, ‘dei” (male) or ‘dai’ (female). For example a brother and sister from the Khalkan tribe would be; Badan Khalkandei and Gale Khalkandai.

Race: Human

Ethnicity: Ismon

Alignment: Tradition and order are extremely important to Akadians, they are usually any lawful alignment.

Age: Like most humans Akadians average about 80 in age.

Size: (Medium) Akadians vary greatly in height and weight, from under 5 feet to over 6 feet.

Language: Akadians understand the Common Tongue as their primary language, most also understand their nations ancestoral language of Portaine as well.

Articles under Akadian


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