Antitta Tablet Document in Aldern | World Anvil

Antitta Tablet

the Treaty of Mursil


Estimated to have been recorded in 3850sc, the Antitta Tablet is a stone tablet recording at treaty between the Elf kingdom of Zalpula and the Human city-state of Ashur Reshi. The treaty was solidified through a marriage between a princess of Zalpula and an Ashur Reshi prince. This discord heavily favors Ashur Reshi, making Zalpula in essence a vassal state, with Ashur Reshi agreeing in exchange, to protect the elven kingdom from its enemies.


Of the ten names listed on the tablet as being part of the negotiations and agreement, nine are only recorded in this text, and found nowhere else in any historical records. The tenth name is that of the hero Mari Locnehta, queen of Zalpula at the time. It is Queen Mari's daughter that is agreed to marry the Ashur Reshi prince to seal the alliance.


The Antitta Tablet currently resides in the city of Lakorth.

Decree, Governmental


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