Mari Locnehta Character in Aldern | World Anvil

Mari Locnehta (LAHK nah tah)

the Dragon Slayer


While her grandmother Akavia may be considered the iconic Elf of the Heroic Era, her granddaughter, Princess Mari, was the face of the era, the hero of heroes. She is the central character of much of the Heroic Era, with more tales told of her than years of her life. Though little is known of her childhood, her rise as princess of Zalpula is well know. As is her advertures of youth, and later tales of her leading the armies of Zalpula in the conquest of Tinjir. Her most famous epic is that of the slaying of Anthealglas the Ever Hungry, the plague of Zalpula. After which she becomes queen of the elf nation and continues in the tales of the age as a patron to the heroes that followed.


Queen Mari, though she loved her people and the country she helped her father build, was not the politician he was. The dragon's defeat had taken a toll on the kingdom, many of the greatest heroes were slain in the battle, and her siblings were scattered across Aldern seeking their own ways. Like her kingdom, scars ran deep in her, body and soul. Wounds that would not heal completely. Soon The Thoamaine Peninsula and all the Zalpula territories beyond Lhakamed that she had led armies to conquer were lost. The heroic princess, that in her youth so loved battle, had lost her will to fight. Disgusted by death and destruction, she turned to repair her father's legacy, the burnt Kusran's Forest and maintaining the homelands of her kingdom.


Records are spar in regard to her reign as queen. Zalpula was in decline after Anthealglas. Those that had been conquered, some by Mari herself were a continued threat to the nation through her reign. the eastern city-state of Hurrian even invaded, defeated the weakened Zalpula army and capturing Mari, until its rival Ashur Reshi came to the elven queen's rescue. After which Zalpula nad Ashur Reshi entered an allaince that heavily favored Ashur Reshi, as recorded in the Antitta Tablet. This is the last recording of Mari Locnehta as the Black Collapse soon engulfed Tinjir wiping records, nations and people from history.



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