Awadri Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil


the Tribal People of Enish


Not to be confused with the modern Awarea, the people known as the Awadri were tribal Humans that dwelt in northern Jerain during the Randagri Period. In some ancient texts they are referred to as Enishan by the Neo Noch culture. As the Awadri have no written records these is no direct evidence that they are connected to the more ancient people that once dwelt in the land. Though most scholars will point to the fact that even without evidence can be deduced that the people are one in the same. With the Awadri being Enishan survivors of the Aggelomachy.

The Awadri were largely a nomadic people, though it would seem there is cases of Awadri villages appearing in some location. It is unknown if these were simply waystations for the nomads or a permanent settlements for some of the tribes.

The Awadri were known to hunt and later domestice the Long Horn Bison of the region. The hides of the great beast were used for clothing, tents, and other leather works. Their bones were useful in creating weapons and art. But meat was the primary use for this animal.


Tales of the Awadri being or allied with Wererat is a common theme among the Neo Noch people. As the Neo Noch had nothing but distain for the Awadri, one must take these stories with a grain of salt.


Gilgurth devastated the Awadri people. Fires spread throughout their lands in the days after the impact. Flooding from glacier melt in the months after the fires. Those that survived were left with a waterlogged land of ashy mud. The tribes were scattered and broken. The two surviving ethnic groups come out of these survivors were the Imaeli and the Jerai. The Imaeli moved east and are believed to be the ancestors of the Imaeli people of the Awadri. The Jerai traveled south into the icy lands of Southern Jerain. It is they that the Southern Reach of Ethae gains its name, as they spread grew and spawned nearly every culture of the Reach.


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