Bronze King

the Lord of the Corps


In the Kingdom of Bronze the title of 'Bronze King' is granted to the strongest of the local Corps leaders through an annual election. The Bronze King is the symbol of unity between the guilds in a ‘kingdom’ of otherwise independent communities. Only the Protectors know which among them stands as the Bronze King for the year. It is a title that is, for the most part, an honorary one, with the Bronze King having no real political power. The role is ceremonial, with the titled man or woman making appearances in Api during festivals and cultural rituals. This changes in times of crisis, such as a growing threat from Orc the Scaro Wilds. It then becomes the Bronze King’s duty to lead the other Protectors and their guilds in the defense of the entire realm.


In public appearances the Bronze King wears a sculpted make of bronze. There are ten known masked casted, with the 'king' choosing his, or hers, for the year. eight are male faces, two are female. Originally there were more masks, some reports say fifteen, others twenty. These others were lost for various reasons, from theft to the wearer's death in battle. These lost masks are highly sought after by the Corps.


Note: A female Protector elected to the role of Bronze King for the year is still titled 'king'. The Tinjin culture does not use the gender term queen.



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