Tinjin Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Tinjin (tin GIN)

the Thoamaine Folk


The Tinjan make up the bulk of the population of the Kingdom of Bronze. Tinjan are Ismon, descended from the original Humans that migrated deep onto their peninsula before the rise of the Areian Nations. While in the modern day only the people of the Kingdom of Bronze are referred to as Tinjan, in the ancient world most dwelling on the peninsula were known as Tinjan as well. When bards spin tales of the people of Tinjir, it is usually the Tinjan they describe. The name of the region “Tinjir” is derived from these native people. Of all the ethnic groups through Tinjir, the Tinjan are the most varied in regards to culture diversity. There communities have stronger connection to the world beyond theThoamaine Peninsula.


Tinjan often stand slightly shorter and stockier than their cousins to the south. Their olive skin tones are inclined towards lighter shades for those living in the lowland north, while darker tones are common for the mountain regions in the south. Hair colors such as blonde and brown are seen in the lowlands, with shades of black common in the mountains. Brown is the most common eye color, other colors seen in humans being more exotic, seen primarily in mix marriage families. Hats and shawls are traditionally worn as a sign of being married, while the younger unwed leave their hair unbound.

Name Samples:

(male) Adum, Aldin, Elamir, Hamen, Jesse, Mehman, Shamual, Thaddeus, Uri, Zachariah

(female) Ashara, Brella, Daphne, Hana, Leha, Lilla, Mia, Rashel, Sariya, Zivah


Tinjin use the city, town or village of their birth as a surname, prefixed with ‘ev’ (the Maine word for ‘of’.) Fore example: Lehan ev Bethea, or Ninsu ev Rohse.

Race: Human

Ethnicity: Ismon

Alignment: Tinjiin do not tend towards any particular alignment.

Age: Tinjin have an average lifespan for a human, living around 80 to 100 years.

Size: (Medium) Tinjin tend to be on average shorter, with 5 feet tall being the common height for both sexes.

Language: the Common Tongue is, for all intents and purposes, the native language of the Kingdom of Bronze. As such Tinjin children learn to speak and read from an early age, with parents often teaching their children an additional local language as well. Tinjin gain Common and an additional language of their choice.


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